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Writing Tips


Hey guys,

I’m sure you all know how important good structure is to a story, but it’s not always easy to find good examples. My newest novelette Brazen, became available on Amazon today. It is a very high paced fiction and a simple example of one way to structure a story.

Even if you don’t like me or don’t care for my writing style, or if you had no idea that I even existed, you could still use my Brazen Novelette as a template for your own WIP.

For Brazen I followed a simple structure.

1 Describe a problem.
2 Introduce the character with the problem.
3 Describe why the problem is important to the character.
4 Present obstacles to solving the problem.
5 The character fails to overcome the obstacles.
6 A critical turning point gives the character another chance.
7 A choice is required through the actions of the character that creates a change with consequences.

This is a pretty easy way to write short fiction, but good structure alone is not enough. In order to make it really shine you need to have some more ammunition.

1 Make them laugh, reel them in with dialogue, then make them cry, (This is the part where the uniqueness of an author’s voice can come into play)

2 Don’t forget the importance of a subplot. It doesn’t have to be much, but a subplot can really make a story shine.

I hope this is helpful for your own project.

Don’t forget to tell your friends about my Turbo Fiction Compilation.



I was not aware that there had been an article posted about structure before I posted this.

I think my example is easier.

Part 7 is really worth taking a close look at.