In that case, I'd suggest starting with a story that utilizes the deep 1st person POV to full effect.
Lolita is a great example of this.
In that case, I'd suggest starting with a story that utilizes the deep 1st person POV to full effect.
Do any of you have tricks that keep you in the correct narrator role when you're writing/editing? I seem to wander between different narrative categories as I go.
The morning is still dark when a young woman’s expedition leaves the village between the hills. Eight voices, four horses, and two sleds cross a bridge lit by lanterns, over a river black with cold. Past the river, where the forest stands tall and silent, waits a day on the road. Past the river, in the east, waits the rising sun.
1st person POV is best when the POV character can spin a decent yarn themself. Someone with personality, a view of the world that's worth delving into or at least an entertaining voice. That's my opinion at least. You can also use 1st person POV to hide information from the reader, but 3rd person non-omniscient works for that too.