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You know you are a writer when...


Myth Weaver
You know you are a writer when you play lumberjack and find that you can't walk more than ten yards in the woods without climbing over at least one log. That goes into your next woodland scene.

You also know you are a writer when you fracture your wrist playing lumberjack in the woods and realize just how freaking long it will take to heal. That experience goes into the 'wounded character' arc.


My experience is most Mac users don't know how to use their machines. Many have them mostly for 'identity' purposes, and can barely make them function. Which to IT guys like me, is very annoying.

But, I am in Linux world now. I am slowly picking it up. Linux is much more command line. Kind of the opposite of Apple (though secretly, Mac is just Unix underneath).

I dont care, use what you like.
Linux is like a fantastic airport lounge with great service, no security queue, full online check-in, no baggage limit, but when you get to the plane you're handed a seat, four bolts and a socket wrench.


You know you're a writer when you've hunched over a keyboard so long you look like Quasimodo, but on seeing yourself in the mirror make a mental note of how to describe your appearance and wonder if willow bark will make you feel better.


Myth Weaver
You know you are a fantasy writer when you struggle with whether or not to include a pronunciation guide for your work.
You know your a writer when you can think of creative ideas or solutions for writing.
And when you use leadership with these creative ideas or solutions, you learn from yourself and also help others learn.


Myth Weaver
You know you are a writing when you would rather see what your characters have to say than other people.


This thread needs some livening up, so here goes nothing:

You know you're a writer when you suddenly want to incorporate a specific arc or event into your story just because you read (Or watched) a similar thing in another piece of media and it was just way too cool to not include it.


You know you're a writer when you're stuck on a scene so you ask your friends "Hypothetically, if you were to try and take down a tyrant princess, how would you do it?" just to ignore their ideas and come up with your own because they only told you to "use a gun."


You know you're a writer when you try to go to sleep and the light is off but now you have to turn it back on and find a notebook because you had a thought for a new story idea or how to resolve a problem in your current story and you'll forget if you wait until morning.


Myth Weaver
If the story your writing does not make you want to get up in the middle of the night to write some more, its probably not a winner.
Y'know, you know you're a writer when you need to set a scene and test the dialogue and out comes the Lego minifigures, dolls/action figures and you put your acting skills to the test.

And your mind doesn't even bother questioning why the purple T. rex robot is lovingly reciting questionable poetry at the halfling minifigure in the tower.


Myth Weaver
You know you're a writer when you hear the resonance of words as you type.