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Hello Chase, you suggested that I pm you about help with my move. I would love your input but cannot find where to pm you.
Hi! I like your books. I thought you died? Did you come back to life, J.R.R. Tolkien?
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lol, yes, and looking very good for my age I will add.

I love the books [and the man] as well.
S.T. Ockenner
S.T. Ockenner
I read the Hobbit a while back, as well as the Lord Of The Rings trilogy, but I plan on reading them again someday.
Doragon's evilly bare upper lip was bared evilly, in its bare evil, evilly bared to all onlookers. He also had a wicked lack of a mustache
Dear Black Dragon,
I have spent hours trying to find the place where things like Acolyte, Dreamer etc are explained. I have failed. *hangs head in shame*
In my defence, I am very new, slightly deranged, and certainly ancient and crumbling. Thats my excuse.
Can you either point me in the right direction, or explain please?
Thank you. :)
Tolkien did not invent modern fantasy. In fact, the fantasy genre had already existed for YEARS maybe even DECADES before Tolkien, beginning in the form of Swords & Sorcery, and some early High Fantasy.