So I have a character that has a lust for power, but I'm not really sure how she acquired it. she is the villain of the story, she kills most of her family to win the throne. and she is also the only girl of 5 siblings, her older brothers are basically ruthless generals.
help pretty please...
“Back up, I can't concentrate with you crowding me unless you want him to die.” The creatures hopped back at least five feet. He pretended to check Spring while he saw Spring’s fingers twitch against his own boot. Reaper reached into it and his hand closed around a dagger hidden in a silk...
The next day a bucket appeared also a plate with bread and water. Spring refused to touch the bread after finding a bit of mold on it. Summer split his own loaf in half. “Here,” he offered.
“I shouldn’t take your food.” Spring looked ashamed of himself.
“We need to find how the food came in,”...
Summer looked disgusted. “Could a survivor regain the Unseelie Throne?” he asked.
“No, Queen Mab established the succession based on trial by combat,” Reaper responded.
“Are you King Dagda?” Summer asked him.
Reaper laughed loudly. Spring looked in his direction a startled expression on his...
Reaper followed suit, he was used to the cold but that didn’t mean he wanted to freeze to death. Trying not to stare at the patch of grass and the two flowers that had leaked from Spring’s feet when he had gotten agitated. Then they heard a groan, another boy dressed in nothing but a grass...
Reaper awoke, the back of his head throbbing, fighting a wince he pressed a hand to the back of his dark brown hair there was a bump. Someone had taken him from behind. Was it luck or did his attacker know his regeneration abilities did not affect his skull? A failsafe in case he had proved too...