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Cold Heart: Page 1 of part one

Reaper awoke, the back of his head throbbing, fighting a wince he pressed a hand to the back of his dark brown hair there was a bump. Someone had taken him from behind. Was it luck or did his attacker know his regeneration abilities did not affect his skull? A failsafe in case he had proved too much of handle by the one who created him. Reaper scowled, thinking about him always put him in a worse mood. At least the damage wasn’t too bad, thought Reaper moving his fingers, counting them and looking at them just to be sure. He glanced around him he was in a cell.

“Hello!” called a voice, Reaper looked over, there was another boy next to him, shorter and more slender, his raven hair tied back into a topknot, he wore a lot of white powder and rouge on his face but it was peeling off to the point where Reaper could see the yellow hue’s of his skin. Seelie Court, Reaper realized, noting the other boys almond-shaped eyes and the smell of fresh grass and blooming flowers that wafted from his skin.

Also a noble, Reaper guessed by his brightly colored ivy vine pattern doublet covered by light green silk waistcoat and the slightly ruffled collar that surrounded his throat. He was shivering more than Reaper despite having more layers; definitely a spring fairie.

“Do you know who took us?” Reaper asked him noting the boy's lack of bump.

“You aren’t one for manners.” The spring fairie observed frowning. “Do you know who took us?” Reaper didn’t have time to waste on pleasantries, as he said this he patted himself down scowling. They had in fact confiscated all of his weapons even the throwing knives strapped to his leg.

“Hey, Spring, you got any weapons?” he asked.

“No one in Seelie jurisdiction carries a blade without authority from the crown,” the spring fairie informed him. Reaper had thought it an arrow in the dark. It was unusual for a noble to carry anything other than the occasional fancy dueling sword. They usually hired Oni, hulking figures with more than one horn growing out of their head, or even other Seelie Fairies to protect them.

“No one in Seelie jurisdiction carries a blade without authority from the crown,” the spring fairie informed him. Reaper had thought it an arrow in the dark. It was unusual for a noble to carry anything other than the occasional fancy dueling sword. They usually hired Oni, hulking figures with more than one horn growing out of their head, or even other Seelie Fairies to protect them.

Reaper blinked and looked around, taking in the surroundings, he was in a parlor room that looked like it was made entirely of ice and snow instead of the prison he was expecting. Reaper felt a chill run down his spine. No, not them, anyone but them, he thought, backing up and nearly tripping over two fur coats which lay on the floor. “At least they want us alive for now,” Reaper mused aloud picking up the coat of soft polar bear fur.

“Unless the coat is poisoned,” Spring said, eyeing it wearily.

“Survived an assassination attempt?” Reaper guessed.

“A few actually,” Spring admitted.

“I doubt they’d go through all this trouble just to poison us,” the death fairie remarked.

Spring sniffed the coat much to Reaper’s amusement. “I don't smell like Foxglove. I can't smell lilies or anything like that,” the Seelie faerie commented.

“Lilies are poison?” Reaper asked stunned.

“Some, many pretty flowers can be ground up into toxins,” Spring explained pulling the coat over his tiny shivering body.

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Alora pendrak
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3 min read
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