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world building

  1. Akira444

    Fantasia: The Magic of Terra

    Today's entry is about the magic of Terra. If you haven't seen the first two parts of this little worldbuilding series of mine, be sure to check out Fantasia: The World of Terra, and Fantasia: The Inhabitants of Terra. Magic Magic is the practice of harnessing spiritual energy that allows...
  2. EarlTheRed

    Names for languages and witches/warlocks?

    In my world there is a language that only the spirits and some of the magic using mortals know, though anyone has the ability to learn it. This language automatically connects to the Spirit Realm, so it would probably be disastrous for a non-magic using mortal to try to speak it. Anyway, for now...
  3. Nessa Phoenix

    Naming a Magical World

    Hello! I'm new around here so I hope I'm doing this right. I have this story that I created for my nieces and nephews years ago. This story was born after I read them stories such as Harry Potter, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Worst Witch, Diskworld, A Wizard of Earthsea, The Chronicles...
  4. M

    Tech levels for my sci fi world?

    I’m making tech levels for my sci fi world. It starts with the Post-Information Age, which is around (2030-2050) Next is the Fusion Age (2050-2100) Next is the Nano Age (2100-2150) Next is the Age of Ascendence (2150-2200) Finally we have the Omnipotent Age (2200+) For each age I need an...
  5. Loremongre

    The lore of Sal'taron

    I'm going to open this page for discussing about the lore of the mixed-fantasy world I'm creating and expanding. To start, here's the (really shortened) timeline.
  6. G

    Multiple moon phasing...

    Ok... the planet has three moons. A, B, and C. A is closest and the smallest. B is inbetween, in both orbit and size. And C is the largest and furthest away. Lets say Moon C orbits every 60 days. To me, that would mean that Moon B would orbit every, say... 45 days. And Moon A every 30 days...
  7. Knight Viking

    Hail and well met!

    Hello! I stumbled upon this community looking for a list of names used for magic-users. Hoping that time spent here will bear fruit for my writing and that I may help others as well. A little about me: My name is Taylor. I've been working on building a fantasy world for about five years now...
  8. Gotis

    How do Dwarves tell time?

    I was thinking about how a subterranean race would note the passage of time without the skies. The idea of using music hit me a few days ago. I could imagine ancient Dwarves banging rocks together in rhythm to time out some task. "That's 50 clacks, turn those mole burgers over!" They could from...
  9. Jeremiah Reed

    In my world

    In the setting I'm working on, it's been several million years since the world has been almost completely wiped out after some mass extinction (whether it's caused by World War III or some natural disaster, I'm still debating with myself about.). The survivors of this apocalypse live on and...
  10. B

    Human Anti-Magic

    So, here's my thoughts. On the world I am invisioning, the first living beings were spirits(elementals, wisps, djnn, the whole shibang). Humans were the final race to appear, (haven't yet decided how, more on that later) and had one unique, defining trait. Of every single other lifeform, they...
  11. Orc Knight

    A World of Song

    Another world building bit to be brought up by me, hopefully kind of interesting and maybe y'all will have a say too. Since Eld's stories are just a part of an ongoing world Narrative (yes, same as Discworld) there is also another part. Oral and singing used to and at times still does play a...
  12. Axiels von Gerick

    Holy swords ?

    Needing some ideas about holy swords/weapons and powers that they can unleash
  13. Axiels von Gerick

    Working on a multiple continent fantasy work

    My world will have around several continent's in the world the trouble I'm having is the various cultural adaptation along each continent and as well as more races that aren't too keen on humans and elves and etc... btw i am new to this community and I joined to expand my own knowledge hope we...
  14. J

    Complete Geographical Map of Great Lakes Earth--And the Questions that Come With It

    All the questions are in this link, because of the "thousand-characters" deal.
  15. Orc Knight

    Man, Monster and Magical Mutation

    So, just going to throw this out here and thought alliteration (?) was a good way to get attention. Anyways, on my story world of Eld, a lot of the monster line up came about either through drow alchemy or human alchemy. Though this only is in part of this. Magic was corrupted some time in the...
  16. J Q Kaiser

    Worst World Building Tropes

    My fiction tends toward an irreverent and humorous take on sword and sorcery and epic fantasy. I like to think of it as Robert Howard meets Terry Pratchett and then they run head first into Douglas Adams. So when I write I like to look for old fantasy tropes and try to turn them on their heads...
  17. JediKnightMuse

    Writing Resource Google Doc

    I was recently inspired to create a massive Google doc of writing resources for my writing forum (but also just for people in general to use), and figured I would share the link here. A lot of them are geared toward the fantasy genre, but there's a lot of general writing links as well. Over...