They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. the problem is that i can't draw thus I'm stuck trying to use words to paint a picture in the audience's mind. This is will require the use of several times the words to do the work of of even a few panels. Another problem is what I've come term my "graphic-novel sensibility", i love the visual medium for it's explicitness. There is little question or debate on what a character or an item or an environment is supposed to look like, when it's image is right in front of you. In book descriptions of things are brief and often piecemeal revealed as they become relevant. Creative use of adjectives implies rather than states things about a character place or thing.
What are some the techniques used to condense information for a speed and fluid delivery to the audience. How might I impart my"vision" to the audience, instead of having them for their own through the tacitity of normal descriptive techniques.
What are some the techniques used to condense information for a speed and fluid delivery to the audience. How might I impart my"vision" to the audience, instead of having them for their own through the tacitity of normal descriptive techniques.