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Hi there!

My name's Adam, although I generally go by the handle ade625 on the internets. I'm a student in Physics with a passion for writing. I enjoy writing 'medium' fantasy - no dwarves, elves, dragons, or any of the staples from high fantasy, but not quite dark and gritty enough to be classed as low fantasy.

I completed the first draft of my first novel last summer (it's quite predictably the first in a trilogy) although I've been holding off redrafting for a while now for a couple of reasons.

Thought it might be nice to get into a community that would help spur me on in writing, so here I am. Hope I can share some kind words and inspiration too.
Barely a day here and already I can pass this damnable New Guy Crown onto someone else.

Hello there, ade625! Great to have you here and I hope to see you around the forums!
Hey Adam, good to see you here. Did you know you were the 150th member :O You should feel proud haha
I've only been here 6 days and have already clocked 70 posts, so you can see how interactive the community is.
It's a good ole place to be a part of :)
Feel free to share some of your novel if you wish. Throw it up in the Showcase forum and I'm sure someone will respond.
Fair enough. It's easy to get involved with discussions here because obviously, all of them revolve around reading and writing, which is what brought us here :)