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How can I focus?

I often get distracted when working on my writing. I love to write, very much so, but how can I get a better grasp on my writing and really focus? I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. :confused:
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In the end it takes self-discipline.

Set goals, specific and measurable and attainable. Goals you're responsible for and can cause to happen by your actions and effort.

Complete a short story to submit for publication by such a date.

Break it down:
Get the first draft finished
Revise and edit
Set aside and revisit and revise.
Research markets
Submit for publication

A little success, such as completing a project will help with better self-discipline, focus, effort and success in the next and following projects.

Don't set a goal such as: Have a short story published by such and such a date.
You don't have control over a story being accepted by a publisher...unless you self-publish.

Good luck and hang in there as you move forward.



I associate particular albums with different stories; I only listen to them when I am writing or thinking about that novel. Once I am used to it, just putting the album on helps me to focus on the novel. I do the same for studying.


New Member
Well, personally I only seem to be able to concentrate and write well during the early night for some reason, and I believe most writers themselves do have a 'best-time' for writing as well. Find yours, and I'm sure it'd help. Creating the correct mood and atmosphere helps too. Perhaps have some music, playing softly in the background, or blast it loud, if you think it helps.

Dante Sawyer

I completely agree with Chilari. Listen to music! It keeps me focused on the writing at hand. I even go as far as to have several writing playlists depending on the mood of the passage... "General Writing", "Inspirational" (for when I'm thinking about my story), "Sad Music", and "Pump Up" (which doubles as battle music and working out songs).
I like the advice that Trayvian James's gave in another thread: regardless of focus or motivation, just write. Even if you only get out a paragraph, so be it. He said that if he can make himself write a paragraph, he usually will write more.

Even if your writing at the time doesn't turn out the best, you can always review and revise.
I just wrote 4,000 pages in a few hours taking breaks to work, post, or email in between. Just tyring to write and writing will help you write more.
Damn...ooops. Let's try 4000 words! HAHA! I guess otherwise that would have put me at one word per page. Maybe I was writing flash cards for Hooked on Phonics.