I'm revamping a flash fiction I completed to become more of a short story, or at least pass over the two thousand word mark. I've got a few elements in it that I did just "make up" with no research whatsoever, but I'm now finding that my made up stuff is remarkably true-to-life. (I know absolutely nothing about fishing and I had a nagging feeling that catching large fish before spring might be a bit of a stretch, but I found out that yes, you can find large fish closer to the end of winter. Go me!)
However, given the difficulty of the area to research (Russia), and the era I've set the story in (Soviet era), where can I draw the line and say enough research? Especially since it's a very short piece? Do I just go with my gut (as I have before) and write imaginatively enough that no one would question how accurate the information is (i.e. go fantastical where I can't verify things)? Or do I try and fact check every aspect that I can and hope that the reality matches what I've dreamt up?
However, given the difficulty of the area to research (Russia), and the era I've set the story in (Soviet era), where can I draw the line and say enough research? Especially since it's a very short piece? Do I just go with my gut (as I have before) and write imaginatively enough that no one would question how accurate the information is (i.e. go fantastical where I can't verify things)? Or do I try and fact check every aspect that I can and hope that the reality matches what I've dreamt up?