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I am from the constellation Boötes (just kidding, I'm from the midwest)


Hello everyone.

My name is Arcturus and I stumbled upon this forum. Since it appears as though I'm on a fantasy streak, I decided to stop lurking and finally introduce myself. Whenever I write, I tend to switch between humor, mainstream and fantasy. This past year I attempted to write something for NaNoWriMo but "failed" because I realized I write best when I have a plan.

Aside from writing, I am a huge Legend of Zelda fan. I also enjoy astronomy, history and anime with crazy plots.

I hope to enjoy my stay here!


Welcome to Mythic Scribes, Arcturus! You'll find a lot of great writers here with a ton of knowledge. Enjoy!


Ah, a fellow WriMo and a history buff! Brilliant! What time periods/ area of study are you particularly interested within that big old umbrella of "history"?

Welcome to the Scriptorium, I look forward to reading your insights in the discussions.


Thank you all for the warm welcomes!

Argentum--As for anime with strange plots, I guess the most recent ones I've seen that have made an impression on me are:

Mawaru-Penguindrum--It's about two brothers looking for an "object" because a penguin hat saved their sister.
Moryo no Hako--This one is a mystery set in Japan (around 1940-something, I can't remember) where a bunch of boxes with girl's limbs start showing up around town and the protagonists try to figure out whodunit.
Dead Leaves--I guess it's a story about...a prison break. Or something. I don't know how else to explain it, haha.

And I know this a manga, but I really enjoyed reading Uzumaki by Junji Ito. This one is about a town being consumed by spirals. Now that I'm looking back at all of this, I suppose I enjoy horror too. I honestly didn't catch that until after I listed all of these titles. Go figure.

Chilari--I more into the umbrella term of "history" but I have been increasingly interested in feminist history. For example, the events surrounding the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire in 1911. I got into it mostly because I go to an all women's college and I took a class that taught the subject. Also, it's a good example of what happens when greed takes over the respect for human life.