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Introductions, introductions, introductions!

Hello all!

Unsurprisingly, I am an aspiring writer looking to hone his craft. I write a lot of fantasy stories and always have. The fantastic has always served as a source of inspiration, a place of solace, an old friend who is always there and a true home to me over the years. I look forward to my experience here!

As a bit of additional information about me: I am also a guitarist. Music is good for the soul. Fun stuff, that.


Welcome, and I agree that music is good for the soul. In fact, I feel that making music is as close to making magic as it gets.


Yay, I play guitar, too! Although...to other people it probably looks like I'm inappropriately fondling my poor guitar rather than playing it because I don't play properly. So what do you play (acoustic? electric?) and what styles do you like? What sort of fantasy do you like to read and write?

Welcome to the forum! :)
Thanks so much for the warm welcome!

I play both acoustic and electric. I have so many guitars! When I play electric I play a lot of psychedelic rock and blues. I was really into gypsy jazz a few years back so you can still hear a lot of that in my playing. When I play acoustic I play a lot of folky stuff or medieval lute music transcribed for guitar.

As for my preferred brand of fantasy. I write anything from medieval-setting fantasy to urban fantasy to fantasy set in worlds of my own design. Lately, though, I've been focusing a lot more on urban fantasy. I'm sort of on a kick of it, so to speak, in my own writing.

Also, play the guitar however you like, my friend. It's about how it makes you feel.