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Just another passanger on the bus


Just another passenger on the bus

I'm a beginning writer working on my second unpublished novel. According to Louise Snyfield, psychic-numerologist who put the 'B' in Cecil B. DeMille’s name when he was flat broke, this is my thirtieth life on Earth. My family says I’m an old soul. I say crap. We’re all just beginners here. This world is too screwed up to be anything more than kindergarten for souls or detention for all the beings who screwed up on their home worlds.

Fantasy writing is perfect for me as I live in a perpetual fantasy and have few boundaries. Another psychic in Jackson Square, New Orleans, told me I was empathic. I’m sure she was wrong. If she was right I’d be feeling sick most of the time because this world is sick. I guess that’s why I’m making up a world of my own, one where love, peace, and happiness wins over greed, racism, darkness, and hate; where every wrong is corrected and where everyone can live happily ever after. Then again, maybe Madam Cajun was right. I spend most of my time in the wilderness far from people, reading, writing, and thinking. Things seem so much cleaner where wild things grow.

You can probably tell that I don’t have a formal education in writing. When I started my first novel, for my true love, I typed it out with one finger on an antique Smith-Corona typewriter. I misspelled every third word, typed in uppercase because I didn’t know when to capitalize, wasn’t sure where to put commas and periods, much less quotation marks, and was too embarrassed to ask anyone to read my work. Still, I kept on. I wrote several complete drafts and kept reading novels until I figured it out. When I finally gained confidence enough to go to college composition classes I aced every class taken. My work-study turned out to be student teaching non-English majors how to write term papers.

Now, as I said, I’m writing my second novel. It is a serious fantasy project that has strong allegorical elements. My work incorporates international multi-cultural mythological themes. Research for this project was extensive involving various subjects and on-site visits to story locations. My ambition is that my technical skill will allow me to do justice to the story I’ve been given to write, My prayer is that I live long enough to complete the project.

I look forward to being a part of this community. I’ve already read some of your posts and am astounded with the talent and knowledge gathered here.
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Black Dragon

Welcome Woodroam!

Your current project sounds fascinating. Are you envisioning it as part of a series, or is it a standalone work?

Also, did you ever do anything with that first novel?


Hi Black Dragon

Thanks for the welcome. The current project could stand alone but has the potential to expand into four separate novels before the entire epic is finished. The first novel that I wrote is now being revised so that it may become the second book of the epic. Revision has entailed incorporating some of the cultural legends into the protagonist's journey and developing the protagonist so that her story links with the two main characters of the first book. That may sound more complicated than it is actually. I believe that subconsciously I knew all along that the next novel would precede the story that I was writing. My main problem now, other than living long enough to complete the project, is trying to keep it from expanding even more.
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