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Need help with an organization name!

Hiya! New here, and this is me impulsively shooting out a thread ten minutes after making a profile. Can't say I'm proud of it.

I'm currently working on a story where one of the main supporting forces is a covert semi-magical, semi-scientific organization. It essentially operates like the Men In Black, except instead of working with aliens, its agents work with interdimensional creatures that inhibit Earth and wreak havoc on things. So think MiB meets Control meets the SCP foundation, kind of. I've been working on this story for a relatively short period of time, and I'm terrible at naming things, so naturally this organization has gone unnamed for a bit and it's like an itch I can't scratch.

I'm mainly trying to make up a cool sounding acronym. So far the best I've come up with is the Bureau of Interdimensional Control and Security, which, apart from sounding clunky as hell, shortens into BICS, which just makes me think of the BIC corporation. It'd be kinda weird if the first thing you thought of when seeing men in black was lighters and pens.

Needless to say, I really need the help. Any suggestions outside of acronyms are entirely welcome and wholly appreciated, and I can try my best to answer any questions if there are any.
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Myth Weaver
Interdimensional Bureau for Control and Security gets you the IBCS, and it did not cost you anything. Not BICS anymore.

Some other ideas:

Lovecraftian Society - cause it sounds Lovecraftian
Agents of SINN (Society of Interdimensional Non-Normals)
PUPS - Protectors of the Unknowable, Paranormal and Supernatural)
Well, dang. The fact that I didn't think about rearranging the letters says a lot about me, heh. And all of your suggestions are really good! I shall add them to the little pool of options I have gathered so far. I appreciate the help.
Just a little idea. I remember an old fantasy based RP site that had a guild of highly skilled and notorious thieves.

The guild's name... The Carpenter's Guild... Why? ... Because who the hell is going to be suspicious of The Carpenter's Guild? :p

So, perhaps something that has nothing to do with what the organization is actually doing, to make it sound completely uninteresting to the public. Like...

Johnson & Sons?
Chrome Leather Tannery?
Maycomb Farm Organic Cheesemakers Ltd?
Whoa, a misleading name is actually really smart. No one's going to want to investigate a group of people that supposedly work at a cheese farm. Elusive. I like it.
I would go for IIII

The International Independent Interdimensional Investigators

Or, alternatively IIIE

The International Independent Interdimensional Examinators. Rolls right of the tongue...

S J Lee

An "innocent" name that actually has a double meaning to the initiated might work well.

Eg, instead of "the carpenters" , what about "the masons"?

Or they wear a badge of an all-seeing eye atop a tower. "The Opticians" -- they have an actual spectacles-shop as a front, with a John Wick-style tailor's in the back.

Or something more ominous? Judge Dredd had a recent storyline about "What happens when judges conviced of a crime finally return from Titan and try to settle down?" There was a group of judges who make it their business to convince them to move elsewhere. "The Welcome Committee" -- Dredd was trying to find out whether the "Committee" was real
I would go for IIII

The International Independent Interdimensional Investigators

Or, alternatively IIIE

The International Independent Interdimensional Examinators. Rolls right of the tongue...
Oh, I quite like IIIE. It does roll right off of the tongue. And 'examinators' is kind of the right descriptor for the organization, since they investigate about whatever Lovecraftian beings they manage to capture.

Thanks for the ideas!
Oh, I quite like IIIE. It does roll right off of the tongue. And 'examinators' is kind of the right descriptor for the organization, since they investigate about whatever Lovecraftian beings they manage to capture.

Thanks for the ideas!
But if you go for IIII, then whenever your characters introduce themselves, they'll sound like a stuttering pirate! :)

Miles Lacey

In Australia there is a brand of beer called XXXX. When people refer to the beer they call it Fourex. So maybe the IIII could be called Four Eyes or possibly I-4 and use a pair of spectacles with a silhouette of the most common creature they deal with reflected in them.

In my WIP I have a secret police that monitors heretics and those who indulge in magic whose bland as heck name is Branch Nine.

Ian Fleming gave his most famous character the name James Bond because it was the most bland and unassuming name he could think of. The 00 designation was given for pretty much the same reason.

Just some ideas.


Hiya! New here, and this is me impulsively shooting out a thread ten minutes after making a profile. Can't say I'm proud of it.

I'm currently working on a story where one of the main supporting forces is a covert semi-magical, semi-scientific organization. It essentially operates like the Men In Black, except instead of working with aliens, its agents work with interdimensional creatures that inhibit Earth and wreak havoc on things. So think MiB meets Control meets the SCP foundation, kind of. I've been working on this story for a relatively short period of time, and I'm terrible at naming things, so naturally this organization has gone unnamed for a bit and it's like an itch I can't scratch.

I'm mainly trying to make up a cool sounding acronym. So far the best I've come up with is the Bureau of Interdimensional Control and Security, which, apart from sounding clunky as hell, shortens into BICS, which just makes me think of the BIC corporation. It'd be kinda weird if the first thing you thought of when seeing men in black was lighters and pens.

Needless to say, I really need the help. Any suggestions outside of acronyms are entirely welcome and wholly appreciated, and I can try my best to answer any questions if there are any.
I look for a cool acronym name then try and make the words match. So I took control and security then sought synonyms that made it fit a cool covert sounding acronym name, such as DIRE = Department of Interdimensional Regulation and Enforcement.
I look for a cool acronym name then try and make the words match. So I took control and security then sought synonyms that made it fit a cool covert sounding acronym name, such as DIRE = Department of Interdimensional Regulation and Enforcement.
Ohh, thanks for this. You'd be surprised how many simple options my brain completely overlooks. I appreciate the tip, and DIRE is a super cool acronym :D


An "innocent" name that actually has a double meaning to the initiated might work well.

Eg, instead of "the carpenters" , what about "the masons"?

Or they wear a badge of an all-seeing eye atop a tower. "The Opticians" -- they have an actual spectacles-shop as a front, with a John Wick-style tailor's in the back.

Or something more ominous? Judge Dredd had a recent storyline about "What happens when judges conviced of a crime finally return from Titan and try to settle down?" There was a group of judges who make it their business to convince them to move elsewhere. "The Welcome Committee" -- Dredd was trying to find out whether the "Committee" was real
This is cool, I remember some old cartoon that used "Plumbers", might have been Ben-10?


You could go with the in-universe explanation of the extra-dimensional creatures naming the organization, and call it literally anything you wanted, with whatever acronym you wanted to use if you were set upon doing so. Why should English be universal, or even be the default language used by their organization?