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Never thought I'd do this!


I kinda always thought I'd want to write one day. "Maybe when I'm older... retired... Not much to do..."
Suddenly I've been gripped by an urge to do it now! I know I'm way behind you guys in that, but that's why I'm here.
Looking forward to chatting with you all.:)



Myth Weaver
Welcome aboard Jess
We all get the "urge" to write and little can stop it when we do...
For me I just hope it happens when I'm near a pen and some paper or a computer...
Mythic Scribes has lots of people willing to chat, argue, debate, sympathise, joke and offer support here.
There are even a few fellow Australians...:)


Thanks Joe! I actually had another account but for some reason i never received the activation email. So I tried again with another address. Is there a way to delete the other account?


Hi Jessquoi! Another Aussie here (and welcome to the Ozwriters group section too). :)
Look forward to chatting and sharing progress.

Welcome to the Scribes! Yes, at some unheralded point in our lives us writers feel that calling, and when we do, well, it would be a shame if we never did anything about it. Maybe you never thought you'd actually do this, but I'm glad you did, welcome to the family, you've come to the right place :).
You can probably PM (private message) a moderator to alert them of the other acct and ask for it to be deleted.

Don't delay! Write away and everyday.

If you're hearing the siren call of writing, then do not let it pass.


Thanks guys! I'm already sorting out the account issue. And now the siren IS calling so I must go! :cool: