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New in Town

I found this site googling non-gender based names for a monarch. I liked what I found and so decided to join.

I write all sorts of fiction (realistic, magical realism, fantasy, experimental). I have yet to be officially published (I don't count the college journals), but I'm hoping one day to spread my words to the wider world.

I am currently working on my magnum opus, a multiple volume story of an original fantasy universe that has taken over my brain. I'm still in the formative stages of getting it all out, but I am also making editing decisions as I go (and I'm getting caught up on more than a few of those decisions, rinse, repeat, live to write another day). The world-building end of it is pretty complete; now I just have to decide which parts of the story really need to be told and in what order.

I imagine I'll get some good use out of the forums and community here and hopefully I will contribute as well. Bit of a night owl, so you'll rarely see me in the daylight hours.


Myth Weaver
Hail and well met insomniac_tales
Good to have you here.
Night or day, there is usually someone around.