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New member from Syria


Hi people,
I'm a 16 years old dude from Syria (Well, I know, it's bad in here...). A few years ago, I used to be very much into the fantasy genre. I used to get addicted to some books, and at times I would read a hundred pages in one day. My favorites were Harry Potter, The Chronicles Of Narnia and The Inheritance Cycle. After that, I stopped reading for a couple of years, but now, I'm back. A while ago, I discovered H.P. Lovecraft (Not fantasy, but he's awesome) and really liked his style, so I wrote several stories in the vein of his writings (Which I posted on this blog of mine. Now I'm starting to read The Fellowship Of The Ring, and I really think it's a great book.
And BTW, I'm a big fan of heavy metal music and dark stuff in general. I'm really happy to join this community and participate in the forums.
It would be great if someone checks out my blog, reads the stories and gives me some feedback.
Thanks all.

Tried reading your blog, but your style is way too different from mine for me to judge it. (You seem to tend towards the purple--perhaps due to Lovecraft's influence--and I'm very beige.)

Still, good to have you here!


Felis amatus
Welcome to the site, Oaken. I hope you will remain safe there in Damascus.

There have been fantasy-type works written with Lovecraft's influences. Some of Lovecraft's own writings fell more squarely into fantasy (The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath, for example). I enjoy that style of writing when it is done well. Glad to have you here.


Myth Weaver
Welcome. I'm trying my hand at a Lovecraftian tale now so it is good to meet another traveler on the road.


Welcome Oaken! Like the name by the way. Good to hear that you are enjoying Fellowship of the Ring! One of my favorites.

I am a big fan of metal too, and rock. Some hard stuff, but some more melodic/ballad, have you listened to any Shinedown or Alter Bridge?

Enjoy the forums.
Welcome to the Scribes Oaken, glad you're enjoying The Fellowship. Hope things aren't too bad for you in Damascus, I would like to visit someday, when everything has settled down, lets hope that day is not too far. Anyway, on a lighter note please dive into the forums and have fun.


Welcome to Mythic Scribes.
You have a pretty awesome blog! Are you making those illustrations?
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