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Page Publishing


Myth Weaver
You know everyone is saying the same thing but know one is giving me any information on page publishing. I've looked at a lot of publishing companies. With any self publishing company I know I'm going to have to pay because they are doing all the work not me. As far as traditional publishing companies everyone Is saying they don't make you pay up front. They don't they give you and advance but they get there money back because you have to sign a contract and they get a percentage of your royalties never forget nothing is free. From what I have read self publishing is the way to go because you get more money back and I can make my own decision. Now unless someone can give me information on page publishing and not talking about vanity publishing I don't want to here it. I've had a contract from dorrance and black book and compared to their contracts page publishing contract seems more legit.


I think everyone on this thread is saying that Page Publishing is not a good choice.

It sounds like you want to self publish, but you don't feel up to dealing with all the little details yourself. My suggestion would be to create an account on Elance, list what you want done and how much you feel like paying, and get someone on there to handle it for you. I'm sure that you can find someone with a good reputation rating with experience in self publishing that would be willing, for a commission, to handle finding you an editor, a cover artist, and someone to handle the formatting.

Just a thought. Hope it helps!



My suggestion would be to create an account on Elance, list what you want done and how much you feel like paying, and get someone on there to handle it for you. I'm sure that you can find someone with a good reputation rating with experience in self publishing that would be willing, for a commission, to handle finding you an editor, a cover artist, and someone to handle the formatting.

Rather than Elance, I suggest Writer.ly. It's specifically set up for the various needs of independent writers.


No, Don, you are not going to have to pay up front for "any" self publishing company.

You do not pay up front for Kindle Direct Publishing or CreateSpace.

You do not pay up front for Kobo.

You do not pay up front for Smashwords.

You do not pay up front for Lulu (print on demand publishing).

Have I made my point yet?

Any publisher that wants your money up front is a scam, period.

First off I don't know anything about that floor number thing when I put in the address and building came up so I can't comment on that I have no idea where that came from or if it true or not it wasn't in any information I got... Secondly I never said that you have to pay up front for those companies I said I know that I will have to pay ecspcially if someone is doin to work I don't want to do but like I said at the end of the day I know it's going to take money for me to make this happen whether I go with a company or not but anyways I done with this thread. I have prayed and gotten a greater opinion and I've made my decision. Thank you all for your input.


First off I don't know anything about that floor number thing when I put in the address and building came up so I can't comment on that I have no idea where that came from or if it true or not it wasn't in any information I got... Secondly I never said that you have to pay up front for those companies I said I know that I will have to pay ecspcially if someone is doin to work I don't want to do but like I said at the end of the day I know it's going to take money for me to make this happen whether I go with a company or not but anyways I done with this thread. I have prayed and gotten a greater opinion and I've made my decision. Thank you all for your input.

You're confusing me with another member. I never said anything at all about the floor numbers.

If you've decided to go with Page Publishing after all we've said, then on your own head be it. We've tried and tried and tried to tell you that it's a very bad idea, if you ignore our advice then it's your own fault when (not if) you get taken.


Myth Weaver
You're confusing me with another member. I never said anything at all about the floor numbers.

If you've decided to go with Page Publishing after all we've said, then on your own head be it. We've tried and tried and tried to tell you that it's a very bad idea, if you ignore our advice then it's your own fault when (not if) you get taken.

There are none so blind as those who will not see...

Am I wrong, or did this just happen:

Newbie logs on and asks, "Hey, since all you have more experience than me, can you give me some advice about this company?"

Collected wisdom of the group: "Be glad to. It boils down to this: you either give money up front OR you give a portion of your sales. Any company who asks for both is bogus."

Newbie: "Whatever. I'm done with you."

Collected: "Huh?"


First off I don't know anything about that floor number thing when I put in the address and building came up so I can't comment on that I have no idea where that came from or if it true or not it wasn't in any information I got... Secondly I never said that you have to pay up front for those companies I said I know that I will have to pay ecspcially if someone is doin to work I don't want to do but like I said at the end of the day I know it's going to take money for me to make this happen whether I go with a company or not but anyways I done with this thread. I have prayed and gotten a greater opinion and I've made my decision. Thank you all for your input.

That should be quoted for me, and this information was stated in this exact same thread. If you're wondering where, return to the first page are read it.

Look, Donthe, you asked for the advice and we gave it. We all believe it's a terrible idea and good reasons were given. You can take it or not, that's up to you. Stubbornness and rudeness are good for nothing, and I don't see the point of arguing over it if you're promptly dismissing all the advice you've requested.

Good luck.


That should be quoted for me, and this information was stated in this exact same thread. If you're wondering where, return to the first page are read it.

Look, Donthe, you asked for the advice and we gave it. We all believe it's a terrible idea and good reasons were given. You can take it or not, that's up to you. Stubbornness and rudeness are good for nothing, and I don't see the point of arguing over it if you're promptly dismissing all the advice you've requested.

Good luck.

Seems to me he had already made up his mind to go with them and just wanted us to collectively pat him on the back and tell him how wise and intelligent he is.

When we didn't, of course he got mad and ran away. That's what immature people do.


First off I don't know anything about that floor number thing when I put in the address and building came up so I can't comment on that I have no idea where that came from or if it true or not it wasn't in any information I got... Secondly I never said that you have to pay up front for those companies I said I know that I will have to pay ecspcially if someone is doin to work I don't want to do but like I said at the end of the day I know it's going to take money for me to make this happen whether I go with a company or not but anyways I done with this thread. I have prayed and gotten a greater opinion and I've made my decision. Thank you all for your input.

There are two ways to publish:

1. Traditional publication. You pay nothing up front, the publisher takes money from your royalties to pay for editor and cover etc. You lose nothing, but you gain less per sale after publication.

2. Self-publication. You pay up front for services such as editing and cover art, usually direct to freelance editors and cover artists, but then after the distributor (Amazon, Smashwords, etc) takes a cut of your royalties to pay for distribution, everything after that is yours.

If there is a company asking for money up front AND royalties after the fact, they are NOT a traditional publisher because they want money up front and they are NOT offering self-publishing services because they are asking for royalties. They are SCAMMING you.


If a publisher is charging the author fees to reach publication, generally their business model is based on earning money from the author, not from selling books and earning profits from readers. Maybe an author will break out, and the publisher in question will earn royalties as well, but I suspect it won't be due to anything the publisher actually did.

Some subsidy/vanity publishers charge additional fees for 'advertisements' or 'expanded distribution' or sending copies out to 'reviewers' etc. Again, the author is paying for this service, often at a far inflated rate.

If authors decide to go with a subsidy/vanity publisher, that's their right, but they should go into it with eyes wide open.

Randomly checking the sales ranks of a number of a publisher's works on Amazon can give the author an idea of what to expect, including the cover price, which also tends to be very high with subsidy presses, compared to competing books.


Wow for everyone that had harsh words against me. Thank you for asking my what my decision was first be jumping back on my thread ready to tell me how stupid I am for going we Page Publishing which not that it matters now I didn't I found my own editor and cover artist to work for me. To those who I said I was being rude no I wasn't I was just trying to get to the bottom line. I don't know how to work these threads so I commented all at once. I really didn't know anything about that floor number so stated it. And when I said I will have to spend money to get my book out there you do. I have to pay editor an cover artist for the work they are Doing for me hence investing into my product so know it may not be thousands of dollars but I knew I would have to pay. To all those who weren't trying to call me stupid in so many words based on my last post thank you for keeping your comments to your self I prayed on the situation and God sent me in the right direction. I was confused and I needed clarity now I have it.


No rude person on this thread I did not have my mind made up and I am woman for your information. I asked for information to get clarity before making a decision but when you have a go man from the company in your er basically saying all that everyone is saying is bs you would be confused too. All this information everyone has I had not seem yet it was I only had the contract one day when I posted so give me break dude. You have no idea what your talking about. Nobody ran clearly I'm still here I just made my decision and kept it moving why keep getting opinions on an issue that has been avoided. DHAH


I wasn't being rude I was just stating I didn't know anything about what floor it was on because I had never heard of it until someone mentioned it. Y'all are so quick to judge and didn't even know that I turned down the offer so thank you for asking first before coming to you own conclusion. Never been stubborn I just state what I know and don't know . I know that nothing in this world is free it was I wouldn't be paying and editor to edit my work and an artist to do my cover. Which was me reason for saying I know I'm going to have to pay.


Myth Weaver

I think you made a wise decision to independently find and pay an editor and a cover artist. If you don't mind, I have one other suggestion:

Instead of paying an editor right away, do what you can to improve your writing before submission.

An editor can only spend a certain amount of time on your piece, so you'll get a better end result if what you submit is pretty good to begin with. Try the Showcase forum here and places like Scribophile to get feedback. Learn from that feedback and do another draft or two before laying out money.

Unless money isn't much of a concern to you, I think you'll come out better this way in the long run.

Hope this helps.



DontheDon, we are not trying to be harsh or call you stupid, we are trying to help you. But not just that, these kinds of vanity publishers hurt all writers because they put out poorly edited works with bad covers and charge writers for the privilege; and the more people are tricked to use them, the more of a foothold they have and the more money they can invest in getting their name in front of other aspiring authors to scam them too.

So these warnings aren't just about helping you, they're about making things clear as to WHY you shouldn't use them, and of course other writers might stumble on this thread too and see the same information we've been posting and make a decision to avoid Page Publishing and similar outfits as a result.

And yeah, what Brian said, editing is expensive so make the most of it by putting some work in first to refine things - and get a bit of free advice from other writers by posting in the Showcase - before investing.
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I'm going to let my best friend do it because the person I chose to edit is on their own time. But thanks though I know if I edit my own work it will take months because I can't see my own faults ill be reading words that aren't really even there.


Closed Account
Update: I emailed Matt Johnson at Page Publishing and told him I was almost done with my second draft (he had been calling me about once a month). During our initial conversation, I specifically mentioned if I had to "invest" any money. He said "No." The reply I received to my email was the God awful truth! $795 upfront and then payments of $180.... He lied to me! And I told him that in my second email and also told him off! So they are a vanity press with deception with a capitol "D"!
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New Member
I dont see many responses from the company but they are watching this thread so they are seeing all of your concerns and choosing to stay silent.. The only reason I know they are monitoring this thread is because they keep sending me messages trying to figure out who I am. I worked with them up until last month fortunately based on the messages they havent figured it out yet nut its only a matter of time and then they will be trying to sue me because thats just how they are. Interestingly enough it appears they are on someone else's radar to and they have put the peaces together nicely. Everyone here should watch this if you are a fan of this group or not.


Anonymous Hacktivists Group targets corrupt scam organizations ..... Guess who made the list


New Member
Fancy Address - Fake Address!

For future reference... Yes, what was posted above seems to be true. I've googled the thing, the second result was a thread of authors who didn't buy their story and contacted this company to investigate.

They were listed as regular published instead of vanity press, yet, to see her book published over a phone call one aspirant author was asked $5000 upfront as "author investment".

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but a room with the 6289 number wouldn't be located on the 62th floor? Well... One Penn Plaza has 57 floors.

You are so right!
There is no "suite 6289", nor "62nd floor" at One Penn Plaza, in Manhattan, and there is no Page Publishing at that address. I went there my self, spoke to the doormen/security: they told me there is no one on that name in the building and that they definitely use the address illegally. They told me to go to the UPS store, just around the corner, and they'd tell me more. I went to UPS, and they said Page Publishing have a dropbox with them. That's all they know.

They didn't even mind to write the (fake) address correctly in their brochure: It's "One Penn Plaza" and not "1 Penn Plaza"!

Will do all I can to make this scam end.
Writers do not need these materf...s to ruin their life and their expectations.
Don't trust this Page Publishing scam.


Just thought I'd drop off this link - folks probably already know about it - but it's a handy site to check up on a publishing company; preditors & editors - they might hvae some more info on Page.

Preditors & Editors