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Put Down That Pie!

Gotcha, didn't I?

Hello all, my name is...well, I'm not a trusting sort, so on here, you all can call me Hope. No, this is not my real name.

I am twenty-four years old, and I live somewhere in Iowa. In the Iowa area too? Feel free to chat with me (the rest of you can too, of course). While I desire to someday become published, currently I work as a Certified Nursing Assistant full time, while also going to school part time. Yeah, my schedule's kinda busy.

My current writing project is from NaNoWriMo of 2010. After I finished writing it, I put it away and tried not to think about it. That only lasted about a year, however, and soon enough I found myself pulling it out again, and tweaking this or that. I'm getting closer to being done, I hope, but I also worry - how much editing is too much? How much change is too much?

So, in my quest to decide the answer for those questions and to better myself as a writer, I've found myself here.

Hello one more time, and goodbye for now. Drop a line if you'd like to chat, and I just may bite.

And once again, put down that pie.
*shovels pie into mouth* hi! *sprays pie chunks all over the place*

Welcome to the show, enjoy what we have to offer, and I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us.

*grabs another pie*


Myth Weaver
Damn! I thought my personal fitness adviser had found me...
Welcome "Hope"
My name is "CupofJoe"*
There will no end of help and advise from the folk here...
and finishing is something I have trouble with...

*And no; that's not my real name either... we do seem to be a nom de plume-ic group...