Hmm...tough choice. I say laptop. Movie or play?
Oct 26, 2013 #902 GeekDavid Auror Movie. Book version or movie version of something that's been done both ways?
Oct 26, 2013 #903 Addison Auror Depends which one came first. If a movie is based on a book, I read the book. But every book version of a movie I've read hasn't been so great. M&Ms or Skittles?
Depends which one came first. If a movie is based on a book, I read the book. But every book version of a movie I've read hasn't been so great. M&Ms or Skittles?
Oct 26, 2013 #906 Ireth Myth Weaver Parrots. Better mammal that does things most mammals don't do: Bats or platypi?
Oct 27, 2013 #907 Addison Auror Platypi. We had a bat in our house once before, not the greatest experience. Ancient Egypt or Ancient Greece?
Platypi. We had a bat in our house once before, not the greatest experience. Ancient Egypt or Ancient Greece?
Oct 30, 2013 #911 CupofJoe Myth Weaver Root Beer [but the sugar is no good for me now...] Herbal Tea or Green tea
Nov 2, 2013 Thread starter #915 Reaver Staff Moderator Dogbert. Put glasses on any animal and it's hilarious. I have to ask the following because it hasn't been asked in quite a while and although some people will want to throttle me after I do, I must: This or That?
Dogbert. Put glasses on any animal and it's hilarious. I have to ask the following because it hasn't been asked in quite a while and although some people will want to throttle me after I do, I must: This or That?
Nov 2, 2013 #916 Devor Fiery Keeper of the Hat Moderator That's awesome. This is lame. Newer or Older?
Nov 2, 2013 Thread starter #917 Reaver Staff Moderator Newer. I got a newer girlfriend. And yes, that is awesome. Death or Dishonor?
Nov 3, 2013 #920 Devor Fiery Keeper of the Hat Moderator Yahtzee! Which should I pick up: Smallworld or Munchkin?