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Three Things Thread


1. Slowly but surely making my way through "Storm of Swords".

2. Been playing drums a lot more lately, which is always a nice exercise for me to just get out the build-up from the day.

3. Going to have a lot less time to do 1. and 2. now that the economy took another dump. Hooray for job security though!


Tae Kwon Do wins everytime!

Tae Kwon Do or Knitting? TKD!
Tae Kwon Do or baseball? TKD!
Tae Kwon Do or the Zen of Ladscaping? TKD!

Sure dancing sounds like more fun, but could you do any of this with the cha cha?

Ok. Maybe dancing. Dancing could be cool too.

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*laughs* Okay, okay I'm convinced. Chacha sounds fun, but I was aiming more towards hip hop, street dancing, and all sorts of kpop dances. Though, I think that could be a hobby and could do that on the side, I could possibly take Tae kwon as a sport. I've never done a sport in my life. But it sounds inspiring. I'll seriously consider the Tae Kwon Do. The studio place is pretty close by and he speaks english.

Last month I did something that is considered by 'some' as a crash diet and 'healthy way to detox' by others. Lost weight and I can feel the changes. My digestive system is working so much better now. I lost weight, I feel less attached to the ground, my metabolism is way higher. Simple little things, yet marvelous.

I'm on a writing break. I want to write again, but before that can happen, I have to wait for something. Not entirely sure what it is, only that I will soon know.


I'm on a writing break. I want to write again, but before that can happen, I have to wait for something. Not entirely sure what it is, only that I will soon know.

1. Sounds like inspiration. Bradbury says write about what you love.

2. I'm on a break from writing too. I'm trying to do some marketing for my ebook, but obviously that's not going so well.

3. And, as a result, I think I've developed an addiction to the message boards.

Congrats by the way on the weight loss. I won't make a comment about how hard it must be to avoid such delicious Korean food.

Wait. Oops!


Haha! I don't have to avoid Korean food! Koreans are incredibly healthy. Everything is basically vegetable. I should be eating Korean food, really, and avoiding everything else.

I have loads of ideas and I'm ready to get back to writing. It's something else... I won't be waiting long. I have a feeling I'll know what it is by the end of this month or next, probably no later. For one thing, I'm ready to finally get serious about my writing. Before, I was doing college and then I moved to Korea and have had enought time to settle down. Now I can prepare to make it my official career.

Annnnnd, I am now a Master!
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Cool. You should start with some kind of blog. That way you will already have a fan base when you release your first work. Then they can do your marketing for you! Boo hoo ha ah ha ha!


That's not three things Leuco!!! :p Post two more!

Found out that the package I sent to CO has a problem with it and now I can't find out how to contact the post office, so now if I can't fix this, it's probably going to be sent back to me. Shoot.

Since joining this forum and being around these creative peoples, I was able to create seven whole new races from scratch. Pretty proud of myself. Never worked out before when I tried to make new races.


Since joining this forum and being around these creative peoples, I was able to create seven whole new races from scratch. Pretty proud of myself. Never worked out before when I tried to make new races.

Three posts, by request.

First: Cheers to you! I'm not good at the new races thing. I tried creating a race of cat people once-- you know, to add some "flava" to my project and make it more original. The inspiration probably stemmed from the alley cats from the strangely popular and mess-of-a-musical aptly titled CATS. That was trippy.

Then I realized they already had people like that in Thundercats.


Second: I kind of enjoy critiquing other people's work-- especially when they say things like "thanks" and "that's good advice!" And maybe it's corny, potentially vain, but I like earning reputation points and getting new titles under my name! I mean, it says I'm a Master now! A Master! How cool is that?

Third: I've tried to post at some other fantasy writing board... I probably shouldn't reveal the name, but I think that place blows! :rolleyes:

"One post.
Two post.
Three post.


I used to be part of another writer's forum. And it was wonderful and we kept it a low member count so that it would be more personal. It was great and the creativity was high... until the administrator let someone else step in because she had given birth to another kid and needed to spend more time with them. Totally understandable, but then we had to have monthly "requirements" to stay part of the forum. Now I hear that they have a certain amount of post points (only writing posts count, not conversation posts) per term. Like your desire to learn and create just wasn't good enough to belong. That place blows.

Things to do today: be productive outside work. Maybe clean the house a bit, just keep moving would be nice. Finish ideas for races, plot story ideas more, plot, plot, evil plotting.

Now.... what should I have for lunch? That's going to be the problem.
1. I have also been a member of other forums. One in particular I think got a little too big for me. That one was not genre specific. I am hoping that, combined with good management will keep less quantity, and more quality on this forum. So far I am happy.

2. Last day at work before I get on my airplane. Not even excited anymore... I am done. Ready to be home.

3. Reading "Time Line" by one of my favorite authors: Michael Crichton. It is his only book that I know of which is set in the Middle Ages. If you are a fan of his work I defiantly recommend checking it out.


Why did you go to Alaska, Joe? And what about Alaska did you not like? I've never been there.

Had to stay up late trying to find a video to download for my sister. First time teaching by herself and she needed the video to keep the attention of the fourteen three year olds. Mission accomplished.

Now that I created a whole separate word and several new races, I think I must sit down and try to apply that creativity to my old world and spruce it up.


Last day at work before I get on my airplane. Not even excited anymore... I am done. Ready to be home.

Reading "Time Line" by one of my favorite authors: Michael Crichton. It is his only book that I know of which is set in the Middle Ages. If you are a fan of his work I defiantly recommend checking it out.

1. So now that you're leaving Alaska, where are you going, Joe?

2. I've seen the movie Time Line. It was pretty cool. I mean, it had catapults! Catapults!

Catapults are still cool, right?

3. The strangest food I ever had (I'll eat almost anything) was dog meat in a Korean restaurant. I can't recommend it. It was like eating really old leftover turkey from Thanksgiving. But Korean BBQ is really good. Especially if you want to eat like a king!


My mom had korean dog meat. I think she said it was kinda gamey, like venison. But I must agree that Korean BBQ is absolutely brilliant! I love being able to grill your own meat at the restaurants. If anyone from Mythic Scribes ends up over here in Korea, I'll buy you all dinner out at a bbq!

So hot. I was not created to withstand this heat. Anything near the 80's and I start malfunctioning. The humidity is insane as well. Finally get a cool breeze and it still isn't cool enough because it's a sauna outside.

Korean holiday on Monday, so a full 3-day weekened for me. I would spend it inside, except I promised to take my little relative (niece, cousin, second cousin?) somewhere that requires being outside.... She chose bike riding. I haven't been on a bike in years...


I want to ask everyone three questions!

1. What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten? Did you like it?
2. What's the best thing you've ever eaten?
3. What was your favorite super hero movie this summer?

D'oh! That's four questions, isn't it?


1. Probably just sea turtle or rock wallaby for me - not too weird at all. 'Cept I don't think non-Indigenous are allowed to hunt it. For a school camp we went a bit into bushland Australia and stayed with a community for a while. I liked it - just tasted like any other meat, really. Also tried green-ants, which tasted like honey. So my things aren't that strange - just bush tucker.

2. Oh where do I begin. I utterly adore my food (so I'm very thankful for my high metabolism) but I'd probably have to say either the curries at Outriggers resort in the middle of Fiji... or the gyoza in Tokyo... or be boring and say the crispy aromatic duck in London.

3. I have no idea what 'summer' counts for, as I don't live in a place that has four seasons and if we did we'd probably be different anyhow. I will say that I really enjoyed First Class, and I'm beyond excited for Avengers.


1. Frog legs, bear, buffalo, whale. Not sure what qualifies as weird. Not sure I liked the frog legs, everything else tasted fine, but the whale takes a little bit getting used to.

2. I love all sorts of foods, but if I would pick one right now, I'd say takoyaki made in Japan. Made anywhere else doesn't taste right.

3. And I haven't seen any superhero movie this summer at all, so I can't really answer that question.


I will say that I really enjoyed First Class, and I'm beyond excited for Avengers.

1. Me too! I thought Magneto and Kevin Bacon were cool!

2. I've never had turtle. I'd feel kinda guilty, but I guess it's no worse than eating something bigger like a cow. I think I saw a disturbing photo in the National Geographic when I was younger. That's probably why I think it so strange. Amazing how an image I saw in a magazine can still stay with me after all these years!

3. Frog legs are really good-- if they are prepared well. Deep fried frog legs are a waste of flavor. I think the meat's more succulent than chicken. Takoyaki is pretty good, but I try not to eat it with all the fixings. I burned my mouth the first time I had one. It wasn't serious or anything like that, but I certainly felt like a fool!


1 - I should probably go to bed because I need to wake up early and mow the front yard.

2 - I just saw a spider and know am afraid to go to bed.

3 - I just got my text books for my first semester of community college. I'm so excited!


Community college sounds like fun. Is there a class you're excited about?

It's so much more expensive now, though, isn't it? You have my sympathies!


On a happiness high today. I wonder if sweating freely is what caused it ... Went to the free taekwondo class and (after debating this for months and forgetting about it) finally registered for a month to see how it goes. Pretty darn excited, though. Always wanted to learn a martial arts as a kid, and now that I've moved out and live in a place that has a taekwondo studio at every corner, now I can!

Looking into buying a netbook in time for Nano. I'm going to scour South Korea for other Nano writers. Today is just a generally good day. *gushes flowers and butterflies in a nauseating way*

Takoyaki is awesome with all the fixings! Here in Korea, they have plain takoyaki with small shreds of dried squid and a black sauce that I think is usually used on okonomiyaki. They just make it so much better in Japan..... Woe.