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Well Hello There Chiiiildren!


New Member
Okay, so most of you might be older than me. 21, I'm a compulsive writer (Write a ton at once, then drop it for months at a time haha), and I thought I would introduce myself. Currently working on a book (not sure it's length yet...but when are you ever amiright?), and would love to discuss it with such esteemed ladies and gents.
As for me, I enjoy the fantasy series (Tolkien was the second big series I read, the first being Harry Potter and the second being The Dark Tower Series), however I don't enjoy writing it =/. The book I'm working on is religious in nature, but not in the hell-fire and brimstone way.
It's a pleasure to meet all of you!


Myth Weaver
Hello SD
Welcome to Mythic Scribes.
This is great place to share and learn.
Leap on in when you have a mind.


Hello, you're actually only a year older than I. I love all three of those series, and I one short of having the full collection of each! So religious like your beliefs or with a religious setting? Sounds interesting anyways, I love those types of things as well as fantasy, so good luck.


Welcome! Pull up a chair and join in somewhere! Just check the chair for cats or halflings, neither really appreciates being sat on.