Mr. boxhead
New Member
So I've got many characters planned out, some better than others. But still i would like to diversify how characters act and think etc I'd say a lot of my characters are very grumpy(couldn't find the right wordXDD)
Yep, if your character can imagine the worst thing possible then that's what should happen.Broken ones.
Be mean to your characters. Have them go through all kinds of horrible stuff. Both in the tale and before it. If you think you're being too mean to your characters you're about halfway there...
Yes and no. The hero doesn't need to save the world, or have PTSD, or always end up in life and death situations. The character, and his flaws and arc need to match the story you are telling. But within that framework, you don't want to have perfect characters who are great at everything and succeed on their first tries.I dunno. Does every story need to be dialed up to eleven? Does every character situation be life and death? Not every hero has to save the world to be a hero.