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Writing for Children

I recently made a new plot for a story that is very different from my usual work. There's no evil and its not dark and I thought to myself that it might make a great children book. I began making ideas for other stories and now I have a huge urge to write books for kids. I still want to also publish my more dark and mature themed novels but I think it would be very fun to write for kids!

Does anyone here have an interest in writing children stories?

Philip Overby

Article Team
I came up for an idea for a YA or children's book the other day (maybe similar in style to Gaiman). I would like to go outside my comfort zone at some point. Most of what I write is darker, bloodier fantasy with more adult themed humor, but it would be nice to try something different. I encourage every writer to give something else a shot at some point even if not everyone loves it. You have to write what's in your, after all.


Article Team
Short answer, yes.

I get ideas and urges to write all sorts of stories. Mainly, I write Fantasy and Scifi, but I write a little contemporary, and before all is said and done, I've got some horror, and a story or two for the younger audience in me too. Complete focus on one only one genre, makes you blind to a the goodness and fun to be had in all the others.


I've tried my hand at Children's Books. I know that they shouldn't be written in first person (unless they're junior reader level) and that the best way to get the work noticed is to put multiple layers. Like the kid book Animalia taught the alphabet and animals and other words.