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This or That? v3.1


Gandalf, he slew the balrog... Smote his ruin upon the mountainside. Nuff said!

Hobbits or Elves?

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Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
Hobbits, for personality (and appetite–Second Breakfast, Elevensies).

Speaking of Second Breakfast, I went out for Dim Sum. This choice came up:

Custard bun or egg tart?………
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Neither sound very appetizing, but I would have have to go with the custard bun... Doesn't look like raw egg yolks in a tortilla. [emoji12]

Coke or Pepsi

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Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
"The real thing" is my answer Saigonnus' question as well as Reaver's. For Chinese food, I'm now at the point where crab rangoons gross me out. I used to love them.

For soda, neither drink is appetizing to me now, but when I was in grad school, if you opened the fridge in my dorm, the room turned red from the microfridge light reflecting off the Coke cans.

A guy runs a red light and almost broadsides you while you're driving with your kids inside the vehicle: finger or horn?

(I mean after you've successfully applied the brake, preventing the collision.)

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
I'm glad you're all okay.
That was Father's Day. I tend to look both ways even when the light is green, and did that time, so I saw the truck coming (fast). I stopped, and by the time the other guy stopped he was directly in front of me. I lightly beeped the horn and when he looked I gestured my hand (not the finger!) toward my two-year-old. He saw her and had kind of a half-guilty/half-bewildered look. I think he realized he was the one running a stop light.

Normally, I don't use the horn, not even as a warning. I brake or steer and am more likely to shout "What the hell, you asshole?" or something. I was just out of church, so maybe I had the presence of mind to keep my mouth shut in front of the kids.

A: Anime.
Q: With mostly robotics or mostly swordplay?


For novels... WoT... For film, ASOFAI, the books were tedious. [emoji13]

House Lannister or House Stark?
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Jean Tannen- it was a long close race, but we'd just have more to talk about.

Legolas or Gimli? Which would rather have as a friend and battle ally?

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
Gimli. It would be hard to be a guy and hang out with Legolas all the time. All the ladies stop by your table, but only to see him. He's grinding mammoth tusks, leaping on falling bricks, all while smiling handsomely. Me? I'd miss a lot with a bow, so I gotta me the melee guy. Instead of counting kills, I'd count how many of my foes died with arrows between the eyes. Then back to the bar, where Legolas tells the ladies how many times he saved my ass.

With Gimli, no ladies come to our table, unless that lady is my wife, and… my marriage is safe with this guy around all the time compared to a handsome elf who will still be a pretty boy when I croak from old age. In battle, Gimli will still be way awesomer than me, but I've already accepted my place as "sidekick," so it's all good. And he's got melee covered so I'd have twin crossbows that fire infinite arrows without the need for reloading, and I'd just fire them into the crowd somewhere where Gimli is not. I'd slide down bannisters and scale not-falling bricks while smiling crookedly. It would look okay.

You are Chrono: you must choose 3 allies—the guys (Frog, Robo, Magus) or the girls (Marle, Lucca, Ayla) or…?


…BONUS OPTION: There are 118 guy-girls/girl-guys combinations, so feel free to pick any 3 allies.

Magus = evil magic guy
Robo = the robot
Frog = the frog
Ayla = cave girl
Marle = girl who uses crossbow as a bludgeoning weapon when enemies get close
Chrono = spiky-haired sword guy… and you're already him, so he's not a choice
Lucca = nerdette


Easy... Robo, Frog and Marle.

Robo because he's a marvelous conversationalist, Frog because he's an excellent cook and Marle because... well you know... it gets lonely out there at night....

Chrono Cross or Final Fantasy VII?


(^That was actually my team throughout Chrono Trigger :D Frog is my favourite)

Final Fantasy VII

​Final Fantasy VIII or IX?


Even though I like FF VIII, it's Final Fantasy IX for my choice.

Wolfenstein 3D or DOOM?

Legendary Sidekick

The HAM'ster
DOOM. I made my own levels, though thanks to the level editor, I could add Wolfenstein's Nazis to my demon-infested levels.

My favorite "boss battle" was one that pitted you against a cyber-demon with only a double-barrel shotgun. There were lots of columns to make this possible.

From E3 2015: Rise of the Tomb Raider or Horizon Zero Dawn?