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All Hail The N00blet :)


Greetings, fellow people of the page.

You can call me TL or Tiana or "hey you" or whatever tickles your fancy. I've drifted through several writing communities through the years but often found they were a poor fit -- either too focused on all the wrong genres (romance, children's, literary, what-have-you) or filled with unnecessarily crabby people (I'm looking at YOU, certain well-known-watercooler-that-shall-not-be-named). How I managed not to see THIS community before today is a mystery! Hopefully we can all be BFFs.

So, um, HI GUYS!

About me: I'm a full-time freelance writer (primarily web content/pro-blogging). I write for Black Chicken Studios (an indie gaming company) and Ravenous Monster (a horror-based webzine) on the weekends, and fill up my spare time with writing my own stories. Every so often, I peek outside and see the sun. Then I run back like a vampiric groundhog until it goes away again.

My blog is at T.L. Bodine and you can peek in to see what I'm up to if you so wish. I blog about writing and urban homesteading/nonconsumerism and whatever else is on my mind.

I look forward to getting to know you guys. Also, apologies if any of this is completely nonsensical. I just ate a handful of what I *thought* was bridge mix but turned out to be chocolate-covered espresso beans.


Full-time freelance writer, eh? Cool. Welcome, and good luck with your writing pursuits, whatever they may be. I look forward to seeing a full-time writers perspective on things. :)