Anyone else think it's a little ironic that the film rights for X-men are currently owned by FOX? I probably shouldn't say more due to the ban on politics, but just let that sink in for a moment.
Yeah...it was![]()
Anyone else think it's a little ironic that the film rights for X-men are currently owned by FOX? I probably shouldn't say more due to the ban on politics, but just let that sink in for a moment.
FOX have a habit of axing shows I like and keeping ones I don't - not politics, just blind hatred
New Line Cinema have some marvel characters and so do Lionsgate - makes you wonder if Disney will buy them back - maybe swap for distribution rights or something. Or even sell of some Star Wars characters - Obi Won - Origins? Yoda's First Class?
Anyone else think it's a little ironic that the film rights for X-men are currently owned by FOX? I probably shouldn't say more due to the ban on politics, but just let that sink in for a moment.
Not political. Totally different from the news division, and it doesn't take much of a look at their overall TV programming and movies to see there is no shared political ideology.
20th Century Fox and Fox News are not related? Oh, well that kills the irony then.
They're both owned by News Corp. but they operate independently. Have you ever seen Family Guy or American Dad? They both bash conservatives generally and even Fox News specifically all the time. There's no crossover of control there. Except for the actual Fox News channel, News Corp. subsidiaries put out all kinds of liberal stuff.
A house divided... makes lots of money?![]()
Yeah, that's the name of the game. Murdoch himself contributes to Dems as well as GOPers, so I'm not even sure what his personal political views are. But he made FOX News into the most successful cable news channel in the country.
...and if I see another ewok or another Jar Jar I might cry.
Disney's epics are hit and miss, some of them are great (avengers) some are cut your own eyes out terrible (x-men first class).
I was interested. Then I heard they were dumping canon material...
I don't think that can end well, and by gosh I don't want another damn reboot/parallel universe mash up with younger actors. If they want to do anything it's simple: The characters from the original trilogy have aged some what (or are dead for those actors who don't wish to touch the franchise with a barge pole), from then on you can follow who ever you damn well want.
All in all Disneys Marvel films were alright. One thing alone annoyed me about them. They didn't stand alone. Everything was a damn set up for the next movie.
Are you serious? Avengers great? X-men first class terrible? How could you prefer Avengers to X-men?!
Please tell me why (I am really curious).
Mickey, I AM your father! *Darth Vader breathing sound*
Because I love the x-men, they were the first comics I read, first super hero cartoons I watched, and first class was awful, not as awful as last stand, but still awful. If only they could turn back time and start from the end of X2 again. Also, Avengers was awesome too.
Oh No! Time for a mouskertool. Everyone say...OH TOODLES!
Which tool would work best against the forces of the Sith lords?
This rope?
This piece of paper?
Or this lightsaber?