S.T. Ockenner
What are dragons like in your world? What do they look like? What is their society like? What are their powers? Are they magical, or are they just animals? Can they take other forms? How/why? Are they intelligent? How many are there? etc.
There have been many interpretations of dragons, all throughout fantasy, and many traits they often share include:
1. Flight (do dragons in your world fly?)
2. Breath attacks (How? Magic or biological reasons? Is it only fire?)
3. Resembling large, winged snakes with limbs
There have been many interpretations of dragons, all throughout fantasy, and many traits they often share include:
1. Flight (do dragons in your world fly?)
2. Breath attacks (How? Magic or biological reasons? Is it only fire?)
3. Resembling large, winged snakes with limbs