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favorite character


toujours gai, archie
I don't mind answering, but given you've posted similar, I'm taking the liberty of reversing the question.

What is your favorite character from all of your own stories? And why do you choose that one over others?


though one but either glory vervex or melody ll hopper both of which are extremely important characters in the story they are also my favorites for their complexity glory is the head of house vervex and the main character of the first few books and melody is tide between what is right and what's wrong he is on the side of wrong but he wants to do good that is why they are my favorite characters

BJ Swabb

This is a difficult question to ask, as I try to treat all my characters equally. Though Bredan Silverleaf my Woodland Elf and Nym my Sprite Elf are a very close tie to being first. Although they both are elves and both are great warriors in my books, each of them are special in their own unique way. Both are real bad asses, but Bredan is much more confident and wiser than Nym and has the unique abilitiy of taming and controlling beasts of all kinds. Nym in the other hand has mysterious powers a lot like my protagonist Damien, he has the ability so far to blast blue beams of light from his palms, plus he is an expert fighter and bladesmith.
My dark Lord, honestly? Because he’s very sexy. Maybe the readers will agree with that sentiment too if I ever get to that point. He’s an interesting one, maybe annd beta-alpha subtype (?!) Otherwise my little all powerful character who goes by the name of Morgan - inspired by Morgan le Fay. She’s feisty, says what she thinks, is very haughty and a spoiled brat, but goes through the wringer to serve and to help save her country. All she wants is freedom, to unbind herself from the restrictions placed on her by her noble birth and her sex. She loves nothing more than donning trousers over a dress and to ride horses. That’s enough from me tonight, my word.


Myth Weaver
I think my character probably hide and shake with fear that one might be my fav. Those that get attention usually dont have great outcomes. In the last story, I even wanted to name two of them rosencrantz and gildenstern. They survived the rough, but I got them in the rewrite.

My fav tends to shift between stories, and at least two who were my favs, did not make it. And there are several I think of as favs that I know are not going to make it.

My all time fav, I think has to be the MC. They have things pretty rough and try to make do, but it just never quite works out. They keep coming up against the things they think are true that are not true. I put a lot on them, and so far they have survived. I have another character who was meant to be a minor villain, but they grew on me with their complete selfishness and disregard for the cost of it to others. I like every scene they are in. But...they wont make it to the end.


toujours gai, archie
though one but either glory vervex or melody ll hopper both of which are extremely important characters in the story they are also my favorites for their complexity glory is the head of house vervex and the main character of the first few books and melody is tide between what is right and what's wrong he is on the side of wrong but he wants to do good that is why they are my favorite characters
That was very hard to read with no punctuation or capitalization. I think your characters are Glory Vervex and Melody II Hopper. The latter is tide (tied?); not sure what to make of that. But then you say he's on the side of wrong but wants to do good, and that's what makes him your favorite. Glory is your favorite because ... she's head of a house? I confess I couldn't sort that one out.

I have favorite characters from each of my books. In Goblins at the Gates it would have to be Julian and Avitus. The former is an important aristocrat, son of a general, who hates the army but winds up in command of a legion. Avitus is a family slave (this is set in late Roman Empire). I enjoyed writing the interaction between these two because I worked with stereotypes if not archetypes. Julian I modeled on Alcibiades, while Avitus is modeled on pretty much every smart-mouthed slave character from Greek comedy. This let them get off jibes and snarks while still obviously caring about each other.

I like Detta and Talysse in A Child of Great Promise. Detta is a gnome with that peculiar status gnomes sometimes have with humans of compagnon. Loyal servant/friend, somewhere in the neighborhood of Sam Gamgee, but different because she's a gnome. Wiser than Sam, but less courageous. Talysse needs a good friend because she's searching for who she really is.

Gabrielle in Into the Second World because she starts out over her head and only gets in deeper. But I also like Cosmas the ogre and Bessarion the dwarf. Both difficult characters, which are always a challenge to write.

But I think my favorite of all is two from a little novelette called Mad House. One is a sprite from Clan Five, with the helpful name of Quinn-the-Sprite, and his newly-acquired associate Giangaleazzo, whom everyone calls John Golly. He's an ogre. Quinn-the-Sprite is a somewhat cynical lockmaster who has traveled far from his homeland. John Golly is something of a philosopher, as are many ogres who has wound up in a very unusual place. He's contract-bound to a house. Somewhat like with Julian and Avitus, I enjoyed writing the dialog because of the interplay between contrasting characters.

I have six characters in play in my current novel and haven't really settled on a favorite. Of course, I love all my children equally, even the ones I've killed.


what is your favorite character in all of your story and why
Gaelwyn is probably my favourite. She starts out with a major crush on the main character, but gets dumped, abused by a troop of centaurs, rescued by a horse and a minor deity who merges her with the horse to save her life. These experiences make her a tad cynical about romance, until... I give the whole plot away.


Myth Weaver
Centaurs can be so cruel, but merged with a horse? Somehow, I suspect that might hurt her dating opportunities.


She takes a vow never to love again after the centaur "incident", so dating becomes less problematic. Being part horse gives her an unerring homing instinct which even works across planes of existence - handy when there's no cab to be seen after a night out...