I do not know about you, but one of my favorite things about fantasy would have to be all of the different creatures and beasts that inhabit it. I would like to here from you your own favorite fantasy creature or race, what book, movie, game etc. it is from, and why. If you have created your own favorite being or race, mention that as well. I am hoping this thread will give people ideas for their own stories.
To start out, my favorite creature would have to me Gollum (or Sméagol) from the Lord of the Rings. I have no idea what Tolkein was thinking when he created him, but you have to admit Gollum is a very interesting character. Ents are noteworthy as well.
To start out, my favorite creature would have to me Gollum (or Sméagol) from the Lord of the Rings. I have no idea what Tolkein was thinking when he created him, but you have to admit Gollum is a very interesting character. Ents are noteworthy as well.