Gryphons - for some reason, not a very common race in fantasy novels.
Creatures from Hayao Miyazaki's films. From the God of Death in Princess Mononoke to Nausicaa's pet squirrel thing. They're all awesome.
Fairies in Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. (They're not your typical sugary fairies, I promise!)
Dragons. Except Barney-the-dinousaur "let's sing songs and have a picnic!" kind of dragons.
The Firebird - From Russian mythology. It's similar to the Phoenix, but it doesn't get reborn. (What an OP ability, am I right?)
Leshii - also from Russian mythology. Forest tree-like people, similar to Tolkien's Ents.
Creatures from Hayao Miyazaki's films. From the God of Death in Princess Mononoke to Nausicaa's pet squirrel thing. They're all awesome.
Fairies in Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. (They're not your typical sugary fairies, I promise!)
Dragons. Except Barney-the-dinousaur "let's sing songs and have a picnic!" kind of dragons.
The Firebird - From Russian mythology. It's similar to the Phoenix, but it doesn't get reborn. (What an OP ability, am I right?)
Leshii - also from Russian mythology. Forest tree-like people, similar to Tolkien's Ents.