I personally love the cactus people (actually all the creatures) from China Mieville's Bas-Lag world. And the Weaver, which is described as:
a multi-dimensional being in the form of a giant spider, who speaks in a never-ending torrent of free-verse poetry
Wait a minute...what? Yeah, so I like weird creatures in my fantasy. Gollum is a particularly unique creature and so is Cthulhu (although he is some sort of elder god, so maybe not exactly a creature?) What creatures do you like? Dragons, ettercaps, Jabberwockys, ogres, frost giants, gelatinous cubes, lizardmen?
a multi-dimensional being in the form of a giant spider, who speaks in a never-ending torrent of free-verse poetry
Wait a minute...what? Yeah, so I like weird creatures in my fantasy. Gollum is a particularly unique creature and so is Cthulhu (although he is some sort of elder god, so maybe not exactly a creature?) What creatures do you like? Dragons, ettercaps, Jabberwockys, ogres, frost giants, gelatinous cubes, lizardmen?