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Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
Ha easy, Chris Hoy, elevin time world champion, six time Olympic champion. I'd call that a full house. Feeling lucky punk?
Captain Ernest Charles Hoy, Canadian ace pilot in the first world war with 13 verified victories who thereafter pioneered airmail in the rocky mountains. Sure didn't know him before googling the surname Hoy, but he seems a more than fair match.


Captain Ernest Charles Hoy, Canadian ace pilot in the first world war with 13 verified victories who thereafter pioneered airmail in the rocky mountains. Sure didn't know him before googling the surname Hoy, but he seems a more than fair match.
Again you make it easy. His royal highness King Charles III. royal flush!


Myth Weaver
She and everyone else. The romans were quite pesky, but they did give us cement. And they were also losers.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
If we're bringing up ancient enemies of Rome, I'll throw in Ambiorix. My kind of lad from my part of the world.


Myth Weaver
When he gets here he can be in second place too.

I know probably as much as everyone else. Maybe more maybe less. What would you want me to know?