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Hail, all! Is this the right place for me?


New Member
Hi all, I'm a novice/amateur writer; I've never successfully written anything that was published, though I would like to change that :) I'm trying to write an epic fantasy novel or series. I've never taken any creative writing courses, so I'm looking for people who could give me feedback and constructive criticism on my wordplay and prose, exposition, etc. Of course I'd be more than willing to read other people's work and share my own two cents if anyone is interested in sharing.

Thanks y'all.


Felis amatus
Hi Thomas_W, this certainly sounds like the right place for you. It's a friendly bunch, across a wide range of skill levels and experience. Dive right in!


toujours gai, archie
I'm coming to believe this is the right place for just about anyone writing fantasy. There's a wide range of folks here, with varying perspectives and experience. Come on in, and welcome!

Caged Maiden

Article Team
The forum here is a wonderful place to begin your adventure. Share your work in the showcase and let us know what kind of feedback you want, or post some questions in the appropriate sections. Whether you need help with research, writing questions, or just want to chit chat about what makes for a great story, the folks here spend a lot of time and thought on helping people.

We have a handy search to get you started. Sometimes looking up an old thread can save time, because we've had some deep conversations about all the basics (show/tell, POV, wordiness, opening lines, how to impress the pants off an agent, how to write a query) Pretty much everything. If you are just looking for friends/ motivation, jump on into public chat or our challenges section, where we all go to play.

This is a safe place where no one will point and laugh or rake you over the coals. Here are a couple articles that may help you get started with your critique/ editing journey:

How to Write a Book - 5 Tips for Completing your First Draft

Critiques: A How-To Guide

Target Editing - A Time-Saving Strategy for Writers


New Member
Thanks, y'all seem like real nice people. I've started skimming through the archery thread on the research board, and it's amazing. There's a ton more information there than I could have found on mine own, using websites like Wikipedia. I've only read the first few pages but I've already noticed tons of mistakes I made right in chapter one of my book. Will have to do another rough draft :)
Starting next week I work 7 days/week all summer, but hopefully I'll find time to post on these forums, maybe get to know some people, and maybe even find a way to contribute to these boards in some small way.

Now I would lock this thread, introductions been made and all, but either I'm slow-in-the-mind or I don't have the power to lock my own threads at level 1 or whatever (junior member, I guess) :)
Thanks, y'all seem like real nice people. I've started skimming through the archery thread on the research board, and it's amazing. There's a ton more information there than I could have found on mine own, using websites like Wikipedia. I've only read the first few pages but I've already noticed tons of mistakes I made right in chapter one of my book. Will have to do another rough draft :)
Starting next week I work 7 days/week all summer, but hopefully I'll find time to post on these forums, maybe get to know some people, and maybe even find a way to contribute to these boards in some small way.

Now I would lock this thread, introductions been made and all, but either I'm slow-in-the-mind or I don't have the power to lock my own threads at level 1 or whatever (junior member, I guess) :)

The moderators have the keys ;).