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Italicizing Invented Words


Yay or Nay? I'm kinda sitting the fence, not sure which way to go on this. It might be convenient and helpful. But it might also get annoying.


I'm no expert, but most invented words I stumble upon while reading are italicized and I find it helpful.
I don't know if this is an official rule, but I think the practice is to italicize words borrowed from other languages (in this case, fictional languages.) In other words, don't italicize words that are from the same language your characters speak, even if that language is mostly represented as English for reader convenience.


Personally, I only italicization it on words that has no direct translation to English and/or to preserve double meaning/pun in the language (like how the Indonesian word bisa can translate to either 'could' or 'venom').


Myth Weaver
I don't do it unless the word is unusual to the characters [much as in Feo Takahari's post] but it could be a technical or niche term as well as imported. Italicisation, for me, is reserved as a stressor of unfamiliarity.


I use italics for foreign words, but only the first time it's used.

Also for direct thoughts, telepathic conversations and letters (publisher's preferrence). And for names of ships and inns (that is official usage over here).