Is Aurdent (latin words for gold & tooth) a good name for a dragon?
A good name yes :: better Latin is "Aurodent" :: best Latin is "Aureodent". On account of a preference for combining word stems (root aus/r- plus the stem forming vowel -o-) rather than bare roots. Aurum, of course means gold the substance; while aureus means golden the quality.
interesting. how is that pronounced?
thanks!/ˈɔːɹɪədɛnt/ -- kind of like "ow ree oh dent".
hey, could you help me with another name for a character thats connected to him?
it's a young human girl who he raised from infancy (long story). I wanted Aureodent to name her something like draco + another latin word to emphasize that she is kin with dragons. i tried fusing it with sanguis (blood), cor (heart), puer (child) and filia (daughter) but they all either sounded too harsh, too masculine or one of the words weren't recognizable. any ideas?
Would Draconilla sound too corny? Or Draconetta. Literally "Little Dragon". Filiadraconum would be a good compound, getting across the idea of filiation as it means "Daughter of Dragons", but you might have to mank a little with the ending a bit. Unless of course your dragons are passionate grammarians.
Course, if they were passionate grammarians, Aureodent would have to become Aureodentatus! (Aureodentate, in English.)
hmm, a little too large..... maybe Filidra? would that be recognizable?
Two totally different thoughts here:
I'm not sure it needs to be recognizable to everyone which can be, at times, too on the nose when it comes to naming. As long as YOU know where it derives from — so Filiadra or Filiadira or any variation would be perfectly fine.
However, the longer names, like Filidraconum, can be the proper, full name for the girl but everyone, including the dragon would call her Fili or Filia for short and only Filiadraconum when he's upset with her, like when parents use proper first and middle names to express displeasure to their child. Which, by the way, would be a fun way to begin a first/early chapter that introduces the character/name, with the dragon hollering her full name, all steam and smoke, and the girl realizing she's done something to upset him because of it.![]()
nice nameSure, In my books the son of the dragon king is named Auralius due to his black and gold scales.
Which, by the way, would be a fun way to begin a first/early chapter that introduces the character/name, with the dragon hollering her full name, all steam and smoke, and the girl realizing she's done something to upset him because of it.![]()
sorry if i'm over sharing or talking to much,
thank you, i hope you get to see the finished product one day.Not at all. It's fine to share them!
I tend to see things in a cinematic mode so when I read your description my mind zeroes in on a potential scene. If I may:
The old shepherd/man sits at a crude table in low lamp light obsessing over his map, The tattered cloth or paper curls under his fingers, sweat on his brow, his previously inked words, many of them misspelled, and a shaky hand adding the newest spot where his own animals vanished.
X's and a tooth-like triangular symbol mark the actual spot of the dragon sightings. A ring of them which he realized is bringing the dragon nearer all the time. The man is afraid yet determined to mark these places on the map for the prince/princess to use as they see fit. . . he is startled by a thunderous roar outside, he bolts upright, afraid it is the dragon coming for him, but he finds it is the sound of approaching horses and soldiers of the royal guard who've escorted a representative of the prince who has come because word had reached the palace of the man's loss. He frowns. He will not surrender his map to anyone but the prince, who is the son of the very king whom this shepherd's own grandfather had once served as the royal dragon-dowser — until that fateful day. . .
PS, I'm in NO way trying to write your story here, I just wanted to share that your idea gives off very good visuals and inspires possibilities. Keep at it and best of luck Bob!!![]()
hmm, very deep and interesting. I'll have to think about that for a little while. thank youI must ask, do have to use Latin? If not then "Drago" could be used as a prefix. Dragocor sounds like an awesome name, fit for a warrior even. But a good name, I think, captures the essence of a character. So you have to ask yourself, "who is this girl?", is she super-sweet(that's the impression I got) or has she been hardened by having a dragon for a parent? Remember, dragons can live in places people can't and a dragon would have to deal with thieves and adventurers. Does the girl hide when the other humans come running for the treasure or does she face them in battle alongside her parent?
You're welcome.hmm, very deep and interesting. I'll have to think about that for a little while. thank you