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Random thoughts


Oh man, I know how that feels. It's hard to stay focused on one thing for very long when I have so many other ideas pulling at my brain.

I'm taking a break from Southerner at the moment, and I'm mainly working on worldbuilding notes and attempting to give my messy, convoluted plot a facelift. I'm also writing a couple of short stories from the POV of various characters--kind of a project-within-a-project that's focused on discovering who they are as people and how they interact with the cultures and situations I've set them in. If I manage to finish enough of them I'm thinking of putting them in an anthology called Tales of Issadai.


That sounds like it could be cool, and doubtlessly it'll help the story. There are just times when you need to take a step back and look at the whole thing instead of plowing ahead into a tangle.

Yeah, I've mainly been reimagining a couple old worlds and working on tiny sideways things, although not in nearly so organized or determined a fashion, I think. I did finish a challenge short story, but it wasn't related to anything else I'm trying to get progress on.
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Reimagining is always a good way to find a new project. It's fun to look back on stuff that maybe didn't work right the first time and ask yourself what could have been done better, or what ideas you'd incorporate now that you didn't think to back then, etc. I have quite a few projects that came from trying to reimagine old ones. Frostbite, for instance. The original version is very old and very, very bad.


Regarding sticking to a project:

I think I may have a quirk or two about me that may end up working in my favor here.

For one thing, I seem to be unlike a lot of writers when it comes to having ideas for stories. I have to really, really like an idea to commit to working with it, and I only rarely come up with ideas that I like that much. That means I’m not often tempted by competing projects. For instance, I started my novel just over a year ago (first draft complete, doing revisions now!)—it was 9/11/15. I’ve only taken one break from it so far, to work on something extremely different for two-three weeks. I may need a few more breaks, and I’ll take them, but I’m DETERMINED to finish.

Another thing is that I enjoy editing. I like having material to work with, to reshape and polish, to find new connections. I love playing with words at least as much as playing with ideas.

I don’t know—are these good things? Probably like most things, an admixture of good with bad.


My husband spotted a wolverine up the road yesterday. A rare treat. They say an outdoorsman can go his entire life without ever seeing one. So this means the cats are on lockdown for a few days...at least until wolverine passes through our side of the valley. They're driving us all insane. Meow this. Meow that. Tag team meow on everyone's lap. Fighting with each other. Sigh. They just want to be let OUT.

Not gonna happen, kitties. And now we're packing our family for a day out so we don't have to be subjected to their torurous crying. Lol.
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Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
My husband spotted a wolverine up the road yesterday.

Watch out Chesterama, Magneto might be in the neighbourhood.

Bad jokes aside, this is the kind of stuff that makes me happy I don't have a cat yet. Sure they're adorable and sure they're cuddly, and sure they have cute little paws, and... wait what was I saying again?


I can't wait for the leaves to turn this fall. We had an extremely hot, dry summer here so the colors will probably be the most spectacular and vivid we've seen in years. Lots of sunlight means lots of red and orange!


Actually....so we spotted the wolverine shortly after pulling out of our driveway. I've lived in Alaska all my life and I've never...ever...thought I'd see one of them! He was massive, gorgeous, and gnarly looking. Wow. Just...holy cow.

So this year I've seen 2 rare animals near/in our yard: a lynx and a wolverine. Damn.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
I hate everything about EU law. There is absolutely nothing remotely fun or interesting about it.


Myth Weaver
Sounds like you were attending an Entmoot. Two days would be considered quick for one of those.
If it was an Entmoot I can safely say that I'd have had more fun and "a-lalla-lalla-rumba-kamanda-lindor-burúme" would not mean a hill, but "hill" might have the acromyn A-LALLA-LALLA-RUMBA-KAMANDA-LINDOR-BURÚME...
Went to a Holocaust museum and listened to a survivor share her story today. It was something, folks. I glad I was able to hear her speak though. History should not be forgotten.