It has occurred to me recently that, while I've read a lot of fantasy, there's a lot more that people consider seminal or important that I have not read. The recent discussion of ASoIaF in the Women in Fantasy thread really brough it home that I've missed out on that. Mostly I've been preoccupied writing everything written by a small number of authors - from Brian Jacques and Diane Wynne Jones when I was younger to Terry Pratchett, David Gemmell and Robin Hobb in my later teens and university years, and more recently new and self-published works by less well known authors.
Yesterday, I finally got round to getting Elantris by Brandon Sanderon and started reading it. So far, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I have decided to dedicate April to reading more fantasy and familiarising myself with the most important works of recent decades.
So, aside from Game of Thrones and Elantris, what 3 other books should I read in April to get up to speed with what's big and important in fantasy?
Yesterday, I finally got round to getting Elantris by Brandon Sanderon and started reading it. So far, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I have decided to dedicate April to reading more fantasy and familiarising myself with the most important works of recent decades.
So, aside from Game of Thrones and Elantris, what 3 other books should I read in April to get up to speed with what's big and important in fantasy?