Wait, does a quality editor necessarily have to demand money for their services? I thought beta readers, who can really help with editing among other things, cost nothing. At least they don't on other writing websites I frequent.
I will say though that if a piece of work is infested with basic spelling, grammatical, and other writing errors, the kind of writing you'd expect from grade schoolers still learning to spell, I personally don't want to spend the energy correcting every single error in the text. It saps energy that could better be spent on reviewing larger elements of the work.
Come to think of it, why can so few people nowadays write properly to begin with? Surely they're exposed to proper writing millions of times in their lives (how else would they know how to read instructions on the Internet?), so mere ignorance doesn't cut it as an explanation. I bet my money on a decline in modern civilization's collective attention span, which would also explain the impatience issue mentioned earlier. In an age saturated with conveniences, people don't like having to exert energy to perform basic tasks any more.
I will say though that if a piece of work is infested with basic spelling, grammatical, and other writing errors, the kind of writing you'd expect from grade schoolers still learning to spell, I personally don't want to spend the energy correcting every single error in the text. It saps energy that could better be spent on reviewing larger elements of the work.
Come to think of it, why can so few people nowadays write properly to begin with? Surely they're exposed to proper writing millions of times in their lives (how else would they know how to read instructions on the Internet?), so mere ignorance doesn't cut it as an explanation. I bet my money on a decline in modern civilization's collective attention span, which would also explain the impatience issue mentioned earlier. In an age saturated with conveniences, people don't like having to exert energy to perform basic tasks any more.