So even with all the great advice I've gotten from you guys I still found myself stuck. Here's the situation: the antagonist of the book I'm writing right now is the grandfather of the hero. The premise of the book, which is a prequel to the main series while also being it's own story, is that the hero and his three younger siblings run away from their home in the woods and explore the country of Alfhiem looking for sanctuary. Shenanigans happen and at the end of the book the kids split up and try to make something of themselves. Thing is I need an inciting incident, something evil for the grandfather to do to scare the kids into running away. At this point he's taught the kids Magic, helped bring dinner to the table, and forced the two older kids, our hero Alois and his sister/rival Amelie, to slaughter an entire city full of Vampires plus some bear cubs. Do I need more than that or is the ptsd from massacering(sorry for misspelling that. Spellcheck was being a jerk) a whole city full of undead blood monsters enough? Empathy is hard so I can't quite tell. By the way since this is a prequel these kids are 12. I just feel like I need a little extra push that's all.