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The Big Bang: Was the Universe created by Magic??


Queen of Titania
@Legendary Sidekick and Kenny Smith: I also think that many great ideas and plots for stories can come from this stuff, and I already have an idea for a TV series about a Fantasy/Starships story that I want to describe in the Brainstorming and Planning forum =)

Well, even though the idea that the Universe was created by Magic is very fascinating and romantic to me, I still believe that this Universe is infinitely old, there was no creation, it's endless in all directions and it will never be destroyed.


"I don't know."

Legendary Sidekick's answer when I asked: "If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

After this, I thought it best not to ask the "Chicken or the Egg" question.

Soon afterward, the Legendary One pulled me aside and said: "You know, Reaver, I wasn't expecting the Spanish Inquisition."
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Queen of Titania
Anyone here shares my theory that the Universe is infinitely old, it extends endlessly in all directions and it will never be destroyed?? You Know, Legendary Sidekick: you were so right when you said that either something came to be with no cause, or there was no beginning and one of these statements must be true =)
Sheilawisz said:
Anyone here shares my theory that the Universe is infinitely old, it extends endlessly in all directions and it will never be destroyed?? You Know, Legendary Sidekick: you were so right when you said that either something came to be with no cause, or there was no beginning and one of these statements must be true =)

That theory doesn't fit with what we know from studies and observations of the universe. It is expanding and did have a beginning, we just don't know what happened before.

San Cidolfus

Our concepts of beginning and end are relative to our perspectives. Human beings have an inherent disadvantage to understanding the universe simply because it is infinite. We like to break things down, categorize, stuff it all into boxes and put labels on it. Infinity defies that process. When we try to wrap our minds around the infinite, we either fail or hurt our brains.

Not to say there isn't something to be gained from the attempt. Far from it.


Queen of Titania
@Sashamerideth: Well, we have observed the expansion of the Universe, but what if this expansion is more like the beating of a heart, something normal in the Universe instead of being the result of the Big Bang?? Anyway, if something happened before it would mean that there was no beginning...

San Cidolfus

It's been a while since I did my physics reading, but there was a theory that suggested a state of continual expansions and contractions. We're living in a time when the universe is expanding, but it was hypothesized that at some point the fabric of space would reach the point of its ultimate extension and begin to contract. Once it reached the ultimate state of contraction, the universe would enter a Big Crush. The end result of this was another Big Bang, and the cycle repeats, although its dozens of billions of years between each nadir and apex, respectively.

This is just a theory, and I think it was proposed in the 80s, so it's probably been torn apart since then...
Sheilawisz said:
@Sashamerideth: Well, we have observed the expansion of the Universe, but what if this expansion is more like the beating of a heart, something normal in the Universe instead of being the result of the Big Bang?? Anyway, if something happened before it would mean that there was no beginning...

Nothing in the observable universe or any models that suggest a cyclical behavior like that. Entropy would have to decrease for that to happen, and that can't happen inside a closed system. Admittedly cosmology is not my academic major, merely a hobby so I can write good science fiction and understand the universe as best I can with current accepted knowledge, not pet theories with no foundation. I am open to being wrong, but I want to be as right as I can be.


Queen of Titania
Well said, but what if the Universe is not a closed system after all? What if it's endless in all directions instead of being a flat shape, spherical, hyperbolic or something else?? I think that if you believe that the Universe was created, it means that it will eventually end as a perpetually frozen darkness, nothing more, forever... That's a very sad idea for me =(

@Cidolfus: I do not believe in a cycle of Big Bang and Big Crush, I think that the Universe just exists without a beginning and without an end =)
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Know what I mean? A nod's as good as a wink to a blind bat, eh?

Are you insinuating something?

If the universe is expanding (an observable motion at that) it stands to reason that it is in fact finite, from there it is a simple logical leap to say that in must have been smaller than it is today, possibly infinitely more dense. An interesting question is that if the above is true and we exist in an expanding finite universe then what is it expanding into?

This is completely ignoring those holographic universe theories of course...

A theory goes that, as the universe expands all matter will become further and further apart from all other matter, breaking away from the two nuclear forces until everything breaks down to its component particals and energy. At which point its the energetic soup scenario again (kind of like what scientists believe the universe was like moments after the big bang).

Although it will likely never be observable or measurable to any amount of science ever (who knows though), I've often wondered whether it is this final "soup" of expanded-matter-come-pure-energy that the universe began from. We already observe such cycles of life and death in stars (old star dies, spawns nebula, new stars form from the debris... well, more or less), supposing that could be the case with what we observe as the universe? in this Super-superstructure of sorts wouldn't it then follow there then may be many other universes going through this same process of expansion and death?

Aaaaaand we come to multiuniverse theories ..

Anyway, that was pretty much just me rambling. I'm not an astro, theoretical or quantum scientist. I barely scraped a D in A Level physics and numbers larger than ten confuse me ;) I have no idea what theoretical mathematical modeling says about my rambles, but I likely wouldn't understand it with out some kind of visual.

But there we go! Interesting stuff!


Queen of Titania
@JCFarnham: Very good point, we have observed the cycle of life and death of stars by which new stars are created from the debris of old stars!! I think that Carl Sagan once said that "we all are made of stardust" so, what if the entire Universe, whether it's endless or not, follows a similar cycle of creation and destruction??

Would this cycle mean that the Universe is indeed infinitely old, or maybe the cycle came into existance at some point??

I still think that we have two options: Either the Universe came out of nowhere just like that, or it's infinitely old and there never was a point of creation.

I want to call the theory of the Magical creation: The Sheilawisz Magicallism =)