Myth Weaver
Through episode 4 and not impressed. Good enough to watch, but so far it does nothing to make me beg for more, heh heh.
Through episode 4 and not impressed. Good enough to watch, but so far it does nothing to make me beg for more, heh heh.
I find I'm liking the ambiance, I guess you could say. I'm really loving Moiraine, but it's not supposed to be her story only. The world building interests me. I'm just not convinced there's a real story here, not yet anyway. This is not a criticism of the original Jordan/Sanderson story, which I've been told is massive and satisfying by the end, but of the show development.
Just finished the season.
It feels like a show that authentically had the chance to be an 8 or 9 but, stubbornly, chose to be a 6.
The pacing is the very worst aspect of it. Imagine your favorite season of your favorite show. The WoT version of that show's season would be 1/4 as long and skip from major event or plot point to the next with very little in between. And, stubbornly, the too-few in-between parts are individually drawn out much longer than they need to be.
Whatever lessons might have been learned by the success of the first 6 seasons of GoT were lost and instead... well, this is what we got, which feels more like the last season of GoT withOUT a quality set up, heh heh
I just watched the pregnant lady fight scene, and I mean, the show has been rather sad with fight scenes anyhow, and armor design... But, this scene takes the category of "why the hell do these people wear armor" combat scene to another level. Or maybe because was the first scene of the episode I paid more attention. I'm sure that was intended to be exciting and dramatic, but failed.
The end just seemed determined to clue is in that there was going to be a season 2 over and over and over, heh heh. Kind of the opposite of the last MASH saying goodbye over and over and over.
I really liked that scene. A lot. But then I've always been a fan of stylized bad-assery.
My problem with the scene is how it was used in the episode/season/show. It's as if the showrunners thought, "Whelp, we need this episode to focus on Rand. We need to reveal Rand is in fact the much-discussed Dragon Reborn. Rand started as a baby once-upon-a-time, right? So we need to show his birth. And we need to make him a bad ass by extension....
Oh yeah, even if we are going to 'hide' [giggle giggle] his being the Dragon Reborn until the end of the episode. [tee hee]."
I mean, everything about its inclusion and use there was contrived.
I would compare his birth scene to Kirk's birth scene in J.J. Abrams' Star Trek.
We already knew about Kirk. Who he was. Who that baby was destined to be. Etc. We had all the context and history with the character. The opening to that movie is one of my all-time favorite movie openings.
But Rand? The Dragon Reborn? Heck, even the Aiel? To this point, there hadn't been much, at all, about any of it. No context. No reason for us to care much about what is happening in that scene. I suppose you could say there was no resonance. Perhaps long-time fans of the book might have felt some resonance, but for everyone else it would have been lots of flash and bang about nothing.
Edit: Oops, was writing the above when you commented again, this time on the final episode.
A lot of the season felt mechanical. Paint-by-number.
Ha, and I was also thinking of Kill Bill when I wrote that sentence. (re: bad-assery)
You know I was unimpressed because I just used an adverb there.