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This or that?


BONUS: They Suck!

EARLIER BONUS: Predator 2, when Danny Glover walks into the spaceship and sees the Alien trophy skull mounted on the wall.

1,000,000 points for answering the Predator question correctly but -5,000,000 for saying that K.C. & Kool suck.

To answer the question: Pelennor Fields.

The correct answer to Vortex's bonus is milksteak (boiled of course) and raw jellybeans.

Dragon Ballz: ambiguously gay or not?
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I don't see anything ambiguous about Dragon Ball Z. Take that how you will. ;)

Groucho Marx or Don Rickles?

BONUS QUESTION: What do they have in common?


I don't see anything ambiguous about Dragon Ball Z. Take that how you will. ;)

It's Dragon Ball Z? I always thought it was Dragon Ballz because that's what they were looking for. The name and the reason they even wanted dragon balls was always the ambiguously gay part to me.

To answer: Groucho Marx. At least there's a cure for that. Confused? See my answer to your BONUS QUESTION.

BONUS QUESTION ANSWER: Both of these are the names of venereal diseases in Kazakhstan.
For example: "My cousin Milosh contracted bad case of groucho marx from prostitute and is at clinic to get shot of penicillin."

Better steak:

Dolphin or Whale?
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Whale, since a dolphin is a whale.

and since my question was Skipped I'll post it again
The Battle of Five Armies or The Battle of Pelennor Fields? (If you don't know what these are, Shame on you and read some Tolkien.)


Myth Weaver
I think it was answered already, but The Pelennor Fields.

Better song from The Hobbit movie: Misty Mountains or Blunt the Knives?


Oh I most have missed that reaver answered the question because he had so much other stuff in his post.
And in answer to your question: Blunt the Knives

Elijah or Elisha?


Whale, since a dolphin is a whale.

The order Cetacea includes whales, dolphins, and porpoises. It has 88 living species, divided into the suborders Odontoceti (the toothed whales, including dolphins and porpoises) and Mysticeti (the baleen whales).

In short, my question was a culinary question, not biology, but thanks all the same.

Answering Steerpike: The Battle of Evermore because of its LOTR references.

Best rib meat:

Manatee or dugong?
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Dugong, it sounds more exotic, and thus is more 'exquisite'.

One wish that lasts forever or a thousand wishes that last a day?