One Mistake Never to Repeat

Do you know what I did today? I wrote a hundred lines on little pieces of paper and cut them all out so I can tape them back in a new order. Why did I do this, you ask? Because I wrote a novel without planning it. I have scenes that have no bearing on … Read more

How to Spot Your Weaknesses as a Writer

There’s a question that crops up on writing forums a lot: how do I improve my writing? And quite often, the most common advice is “read and write lots”. Which is perfectly fine advice. Knowing what’s good and practicing your craft are great ways to imrpove. But there’s only so far that advice can take … Read more

Is Outlining for Hacks?

When I first began writing I would sit in front of the computer for hours, staring at a blank screen.  I hoped that inspiration would strike, but usually it didn’t.  So I would force myself to type something, praying that it would turn out to be half-decent.  Back then writing was a long, tortuous process. … Read more