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  1. Chapter Three- Into the Calm

    Chapter Three- Into the Calm

    12 September "Your mentor didn't seem happy to let you go," Damien said as he trotted along beside Ashlyn. He never had the privilege of riding his own horse before, and he was still getting used to staying in the saddle. The day was ideal for travel. The air was cool without being chilly...
  2. Chapter Two- What makes a Friend?

    Chapter Two- What makes a Friend?

    "Absolutely not," Annael said upon hearing Ashlyn's preposterous idea. "We are not going to take him back with us to the Academy." She and Ashlyn now stood on an ornate stone balcony with the city streets of Tauros several layers below them. The day was still young, a beautiful, crisp morning...
  3. Chapter One- The Boy

    Chapter One- The Boy

    Part I The Ruins of Githal – Year 1464 27 August Dust and brick. All around, destruction stretched as far as the eye could see. Three weeks ago, Githal was a glorious citadel that took up a third of the western region, now it was laid to ruin. Buildings lay torn upon the ground, the dark...
  4. Prologue


    The Heart of Gumber - Year 1451 2 April A baby's cry rang about the glistening trees. The sky was lit with dawn that broke through the canopy of leaves. In the heart of Gumber was a meadow that danced with blossoming flowers. The music of frogs, bugs, and birds came together as a chorus...
  5. d20kaiju

    “Dragon Magic” —what comes to mind?

    When you read the phrase “dragon magic” what comes to mind? I’m working on a piece that deliberately caters to old tropes of fantasy and trying to work within the old expectations to create something that feels fresh by the characters that live within the world and the magic they use. I’ve got...
  6. Tales from Lorianthil

    Tales from Lorianthil

    Tales from Lorianthil chronicles the lives and adventures of four youths belonging to various races and cultures. There's Damien, the orphan who gets adopted by Lor elves, Ashlyn, the mage who possesses empathic and prophetic powers, Naelen, the witty, sassy swordsman, and his sister, Lila, who...
  7. F

    Writing a way to cancel spells?

    So I've hit a bit off a roadblock on how to write out someone cancelling a spell, be it their own or someone else's. I've written 'she canceled the spell, feeling the heat dissipate from her hands', but i'd like to try and write it in other way's without using the word cancel. I couldn't really...
  8. WooHooMan

    Organizations for wizards, mages and other magic users

    So, I've been thinking: how do magic users organize themselves or how are they organized by others? In a setting where using magic (by whatever definition of magic you want to use) is a skill to learn or an ability to use, would it then be necessary for magic users to organize themselves in...
  9. E

    why would multiple brides be necessary for a deity to cross over into our world?

    This concept is based off of an scp foundation wiki monster. SCP-231 - SCP Foundation An ancient deity called the scarlet king exists across several dimensions, but is prevented from entering our world due to a magical barrier. A cult formed in his name with the purpose of bringing him into the...
  10. ESÛNE, and Those Who Call Her Home

    ESÛNE, and Those Who Call Her Home

    This is a draft of A.M. Krupskaya's novel ESÛNE, and Those Who Call Her Home. Beyond the darkest voids betwixt our known stars, another blue orb pirouettes around a proud star. Here, this planet is called Esûne. Many creatures call her home: Gnomes, Elves, Dwarves, Humans, as well an endless...
  11. C. R. Rowenson

    Are limitations important in a magic system?

    Personally, I think limitations they're essential to building a quality magic system (I wrote an entire blog post on the topic, for crying out loud), but I wanted to hear some other thoughts on the matter. Does anyone disagree? How come? I legitimately would like to hear some other stances on...
  12. RoseScript

    Realistic Magic System Tips?

    Hey! In my current novel, it does have a magic system, although I'm having some trouble making it seem real. Any tips or basic guidelines to make it seem as if it's part of the world? I've seen a few posts on magic rules, and things to follow. Although, any advice is helpful! :happy: Basic...
  13. nardken

    Creating Classes Within a Magic System

    This is my first forum post so please forgive me if this is all over the place. I’ve created a magic system based around the 3 types of learning (VAK -Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic, Learning). For those who don’t know about VAK Learning, it’s a theory saying we are natural learner in one of...
  14. DragonRhapsody

    What would you call this magic spot?

    In my story, everyone has different levels of magic of what they can use (like some people just being really lucky all the time, they unconsciously use magic). Some people can direct magic (making them witches) and almost everyone can connect with magic at certain magic spots in the world. WHAT...
  15. C. R. Rowenson

    Name Your Favorite Magic System Cliches

    We all have those small guilty pleasures. What are some magic system cliches you can't get enough of? Me personally, I love any kind of magic that results in disturbing physical modifications or body horror. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that stuff doesn't exist, but I love seeing it in books...
  16. Samantha England

    Advice on Creating Governing Rules for Magic?

    One of the major aspects of one of my writing projects is its criminal justice system, and while I have a vague idea of the governing laws of magic as set forth by the governing body of this city I am having trouble defining them. The setting is a Dark Fantasy medieval city on the verge of...
  17. B

    Help with magic system/worldbuilding

    Hi, new here and also attempting to iron out some details for my first novella/novel. So some quick context of my initial idea, although have got many details to finish/sort out: so there are magic users (either different species altogether or humans who have somehow gained magic, either by...
  18. Lou Bill

    Help with my Magic System

    This system has light and dark magic, with dark magic accessible to anyone, and light magic only to fairybloods. Magic is connected with a kind of physic force, electromagnetic fields, and certain individuals (i guess with more fairy blood) are more powerful. Objects like crystals and wands help...
  19. C. R. Rowenson

    Difficulties with Magicbuilding

    I love magic systems so much I have a blog dedicated to building them. I always like knowing people's struggles so I can make my content more relevant and helpful. So. What is hardest for you when it comes to building your magic systems?
  20. composerk

    Reconciling Parallel, Earth-like Universes

    Hello everyone! I'm writing my first fantasy story and wanted to get some advice. Ever since I started, I've been nagged by the problems associated with writing a story that has identical technologies as earth, but on a planet that is not at all earth. My frustration is also compounded, I...