The Blue Lotus
I did this mock up really quickly for Camp NaNo But I kinda dig it what do you guys think?

A) My first read on this is that the title is too small and feels almost like an afterthought. B) I also have a hard time understanding the imagery. C) And the black triangle in the top left feels a bit like a mistake.
D) My guess on it is that it is an urban werewolf story. Is that correct?
A) I did the font in paint they only have one font and only one size fit in the area.... I figured it was Ok for a mock up not a final product but I'll look into another way to do that asap.
Sorry to be brutal but as an image it fails for me. It doesn't convey what you seem to want it to. The palace doesn't appear to be floating, I had no idea that that dark line was a tree branch, and there's nothing in it that suggests other worldly. And as an added problem the font size is too small for the title - remember the way readers will see this is as a thumbnail.