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Don't be afraid of conflict


Oh, GIVE IT A REST. I'm sorry, but you aren't listening to me. It pains me to see how much you are using this to your advantage. WE GET IT. I'M NOT SAYING THAT RAPE IS A LIGHT-HEARTED SUBJECT. I'M SAYING THAT SOME, I REPEAT, SOME PEOPLE EXAGGERATE.

Saying "please educate yourselves, people" like a smug person is not helping your cause. We understand!

I feel the use of caps-lock is the only way to get that through to you, at the risk of being banned.


Dude, seriously, lighten up. Roll up a nice fat doobie, or a hookah, take a few REALLY big hits and relax.


Dude, seriously, lighten up. Roll up a nice fat doobie, or a hookah, take a few REALLY big hits and relax.
You deserve a warning for that post. I am not kidding. I am dealing with injustice here and you come in and make a snide comment like that, knowing full well about my opinion of drugs. That is just distasteful.

I'm trying to get somone to realise their injustice in what they are saying.

I will not take somone calling me a jerk for having done nothing. I repeat, NOTHING. That is the way I have been brought up.
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Okay, I'm leaving this. But I will not be the one to blame for this disruption. That is something I will not stand for.
Lotus is being reckless in her judgment. She has not realised my original point. She has called me a jerk for no reason. I have done nothing wrong. Usually, back in the day, I would rant and rave about injustice, but no. I'm not going to give her the satisfaction.


Fiery Keeper of the Hat
Okay, I'm leaving this. But I will not be the one to blame for this disruption. That is something I will not stand for.
Lotus is being reckless in her judgment. She has not realised my original point. She has called me a jerk for no reason. I have done nothing wrong. Usually, back in the day, I would rant and rave about injustice, but no. I'm not going to give her the satisfaction.

The thing is, people don't talk about rape because it's insensitive to do so, it triggers bad memories and emotions. Saying "please be mindful of sensitivities" is not the same as playing the "victim" card. People do play the victim card to get what they want, but your remarks were not an example of it. That's what you said which was so offensive. You accused people of doing something wrong just for being a little sensitive about a subject of which they are genuinely the victim.


Closed Account
("...what waste of really good talent then..." voiced the goblin mostly to himself he imagined, imagining too, that the readers will turn up here, and instead of seeing something that shows this forum and those on it in a good light, their posting talent, their creativeness that is, instead, they will actually see is this thread then, in fact, the goblin felt all that was needed is a boiler room section where any overheated topics could simply be transferred to, and where then the hotheads could then have it out leaving the rest of us to get on with that which we actually came here for, the turning this forum into a showrcase of their creative writing that is...", and with that the goblin was feeling so very old again, saying "...no, I don't know how long I'll stay here either now, but I do know this is neither helping your writing nor your forum now...")
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"Oh shut up you disfigured little green elf," Sashamerideth said to the Goblin, hoisting him up by a green toe. She shook him until his dapper top hat and monacle dropped to the floor. “Let's see if that sets you straight, vile creature!"

She dropped the Goblin to the ground, and paced. "I've heard and read a lot about rape in books, and too many people get it wrong. It's almost cliché that a driven female character will be driven by a rape in her past, or that a damaged woman is that way because of a rape. Done cheaply, it is a bad literary device and is insulting. Done well it can be a powerful tool for building a character.

"And the perpetrator? Usually it's about power, rarely greed or lust. Other than making the perpetrator a pedophile, is there any better, or more clichéd way of saying 'this is a bad man?'. " Sashamerideth sneered at the Goblin and asked, "Have you stopped beating your wife? Yes, or no!"

She knew that the Goblin wasn't a bad creature, but she wanted to illustrate a slice of conflict without intending any real harm. She really did like the pitiful creature, and it saddened her to kick him, again. She hoped it didn’t hurt, and apologized under her breath.


Closed Account
("...wow, you know just how to get us goblins aroused by such foreplay then..." gleefully replied the goblin at Sashamerideth antics feeling that here at least was a woman he could look up to then, asking "...your torture chamber or mine...", where the night was young now, and where its white slanted smiled seemed to guess at those things that the truly wicked could get up to behind closed doors here, adding "...ah the elation at such fear mingled with pain from one so beautiful...", not that it could ever be though he knew, adding "...sometimes I forget myself while other times I remember who I am, and of course its quasimodo addressing esmeralda between us, for I am so unworthy of you...")
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"I do not Rishathra," Sashamerideth said, "however, may I suggest that we run away from the thread zombies!" She stumbled over the Goblin's top hat, crushing it as she fled from the dead thread.


Closed Account
("...anything to please, if you please that is..." mumbled the goblin suspecting a plot here, but knowing too that there might be spoils in it yet, and yet chatting to a zombie on a fantasy forum could hardly be much worse than chatting to mommies on women's interest forums, "...I'm game..." declared the goblin picking up his scattered thoughts, the twilight zone music broke into the background as the scene changed its settings once more, somehow the moon's smile had became a wink of an eye in its time now)
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*thread pokes its head from the ground*


Oh, come now. The thread wasn't that old - though I had given it up for dead. Seeing that it was immediately hijacked by the exact, hrm, shall we say 'errant' behavior that it was meant to combat.


Fiery Keeper of the Hat
Oh, come now. The thread wasn't that old - though I had given it up for dead. Seeing that it was immediately hijacked by the exact, hrm, shall we say 'errant' behavior that it was meant to combat.

This thread should really have been left for dead.

I've heard and read a lot about rape in books, and too many people get it wrong.

Yeah. This wasn't about people in books.


Closed Account
(and with that the thread had simply descended into chinese whispers now, where those you didn't know made comments you didn't understand for others who weren't listening, and where too, rape was holding in utter contempt that which one is forcing one's own self gratification upon, perhaps the newly arrived readers in this case, repeating "...surely, since you'll agree this is none of my business here, nor what readers would expect to find, and certainly nothing to do with this forum, it can either be continued within private PMs or transfered to a boiler-room type section, leaving those more interested is advancing their writing upon this forum to do so...", not that the goblin was against heated debate, just that he felt that doing it in the chit-chat section was going to show mythickscribes forum in a bad light since here was the first place that anyone new first looked, saying "...actually, I'm on your side if you would care to be on your side too now, let's close this thread...")
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