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Myth Weaver
Well, for lack of a better place to post....Ill just say, Since I took the win away from Finch, A tree fell over and hit my house. Damaged the siding a little, and while I was in the yard talking with my neighbor, my son pulls up and says, Dad, I just backed into another car in the parking lot, what do I do?

Guess I will be playing new games with insurance companies. Do dragons need insurance...Yes!


Well, for lack of a better place to post....Ill just say, Since I took the win away from Finch, A tree fell over and hit my house. Damaged the siding a little, and while I was in the yard talking with my neighbor, my son pulls up and says, Dad, I just backed into another car in the parking lot, what do I do?

Guess I will be playing new games with insurance companies. Do dragons need insurance...Yes!
Insurance is generally good especially for Dragons.


Myth Weaver

Had to fix that one of Finch's, otherwise, its just a beach ;)

Yeah, I am hoping on the insurance. My sons incident was not worth a fuss, but you never know what someone else might do. The tree...I can deal.
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Well, for lack of a better place to post....Ill just say, Since I took the win away from Finch, A tree fell over and hit my house. Damaged the siding a little, and while I was in the yard talking with my neighbor, my son pulls up and says, Dad, I just backed into another car in the parking lot, what do I do?

Guess I will be playing new games with insurance companies. Do dragons need insurance...Yes!
Few years back a tree dropped a bug branch on the house. I went out and had stern words with it, told it if it did that again I'd cut it up and burn the pieces. Since then no more branches dropped, so I think I scared it into behaving.


Myth Weaver
This tree is already dead. There is no scaring it anymore.

Similar thing happened to my parents. A large branch crushed their deck and AC unit.

Funnier story....My brother, who is a car guy in that he buys all the high end sports cars, once parked a trans-am in my parents driveway, and a storm happened, and a branch fell and crushed in its roof, breaking the windshield and all. Later, the same thing happened with a camaro. Parked in the same place, storm came, branch fell, smashed the car. A third time, he thought he would wise up. When the storm came, he went and moved his car and parked it on the street. Well, a tree fell over and smashed his car in the street. I think that one was a Lexus.
Time for him to park in a garage I think.
Way back before the kids I drove a Lotus Elise. That thing was crack on wheels, so much fun to drive...


Myth Weaver
Well, I am not a car guy. There is not much I care about more than it just works. I have driven some of the fast ones. I drove his Trans-am before he wrecked it. It is not for me.