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Oh ban, it’s dangerous getting me to talk about food…

I’m part Austrian and yet no Germanic cuisine makes it on the list. Il say goulash is the taste of home - but that is Hungarian in origin.

Paella and Rioja anyway, and Gambas al pil pil and olives for a snack.

American is all the food cultures melded into one, with a great load of melted cheese on top. What’s not to like.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
....Käsespätzle is as Austrian as the Hapsburgs. How much more melted cheese do you need? Flammkuchen?!

(Germanic is not a synonym of the German-speaking world. England is as Germanic as Austria is.)
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I tried making that once, and it was an awful lot of work, but if I was in Austria then I would eat it in a restaurant.

Now you’ve got me thinking about food, great.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
Spätzle's not that hard and even here you can buy fresh spätzle. Just need to cross the border to Nordrhein-Westfalen. Add onions, herbs, schwarzwalder schinken and emmentaler and boom, best meal.
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Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
I recently made it a sloppier but far easier way. Just make the batter, but instead of using a sieve you just use a teaspoon to ladle them into the boiling water. Won't look as pretty, but works just as well. Must make the right batter though, milk and all!


Myth Weaver
Spätzle's not that hard and even here you can buy fresh spätzle. Just need to cross the border to Nordrhein-Westfalen. Add onions, herbs, schwarzwalder schinken and emmentaler and boom, best meal.

I'm gonna pass on the Spatzle. Maybe with cheese and not onions.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
I'm gonna pass on the Spatzle. Maybe with cheese and not onions.
Who doesn't like onions? Baked in butter, braised in dark beer. As for cheese, emmentaler is cheese and "käse" is German for cheese. Can't have a käsespätzle without le fromage.


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
As one of your country's greatest poets said in paraphrased form: "Send me your onions, your shallots. Your allium cepa yearning to be eaten!"


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
Emma Lazarus was a woman ;) And yes, the country that birthed Walt Whitman has at least a couple of poets.
Back to food…we are lacking in the cheese department where I am unfortunately unless I take a drive further afield. The unrefined palettes of the rural mean that it’s cheddar, cheddar and more cheddar on offer.

I dream about Carrefour. The fromage frais, the cheese, the fresh produce…
Here are some spooky names to add to your next fantasy story, that are also names of mushrooms 🍄

Satan's Bolete (Boletus satanas)
Deadly Webcap (Cortinarius rubellus)
Coffin Fungus (Ischnoderma resinosum)
Sulfur Tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare)
Corpse Plant (Stinkhorn, Phallus impudicus)
Witches' Hat (Hygrocybe conica)
Vomiter (Russula emetica)
Devil's Urn (Urnula craterium)
Poison Pie (Hebeloma crustuliniforme)
Destroying Angel (Amanita bisporigera)


Troglodytic Trouvère
Article Team
Gods bless Carrefour. Every Carrefour is a slice of Elysium. Alas, no such hypermarkets exist in the Netherlands.


Oh, this is what I like to see, everyone coming together here to talk about cheese. Simply wonderful.

Also, Finch tripple posted and that a mortal sin, but we'll let it slide.

Mr. M. L.

Also, Finch tripple posted and that a mortal sin, but we'll let it slide.
Finch may have sinned but I think I might be about to speak blasphemy in this group...

I am not a foodie and sometimes wish I could just not feel hungry so I can got on with doing other stuff.

That doesn't mean I don't enjoy food though, there are rare occasions where food I exactly what I want, but there few and far between and I usually can go for just about anything. Not picky.

Though the way Ban talks about food almost makes me want to change my mind. Onions baked in butter and beer, that sounds amazing!

Also I am discovering just how little I know about different countries' cuisines I don't think I recognize even half the names of the dishes you all have mentioned.